Rah- Harry -Vi (akaay)

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In the hospital room, Virat Kohli lay on the bed, his face a mix of exhaustion and elation. Anushka Sharma, his wife, rested nearby, recovering from the ordeal of childbirth. The room was filled with a sense of joy and anticipation as the couple welcomed their newborn son into the world.

"Look Vamu, your baby brother," Virat said softly, his eyes shining with pride as he introduced the infant to his three-year-old daughter, Vami. The little girl gazed at her new sibling with wide eyes, her expression a mix of curiosity and wonder.

"Baby me didi," Vami exclaimed in her adorable glibrish tone, her tiny hand reaching out to touch the baby's cheek. Virat smiled at the sight, feeling a surge of love and gratitude for his growing family.

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to Virat, his unofficially adopted children, Harry and Rahul, had made their way to the hospital to meet their newly born nephew. The boys had a special bond with Virat and Anushka, despite not being legally recognized as their children.

"Harry, remember last time when we visited unannounced after Vami's birth? Vi bhai was angry," Rahul whispered, his voice tinged with a hint of apprehension. He recalled how they had to placate Virat after their previous unannounced visit.

"But we can't miss the chance to meet the baby first. What if he meets Ro bhai, Mahi bhai, Jassi, Jinks bhai, or any other bhaiya before us? Or worst, what if he meets Shubh, Ish, or any other junior first and decides they're his favorites?" Harry reasoned, his eyes reflecting his determination to be a part of this momentous occasion.

As Virat and Anushka basked in the joy of their newborn's arrival, Harry and Rahul quietly entered the room, their hearts pounding with excitement and nervousness. They exchanged a nervous glance before approaching the couple, unsure of how they would be received.

Virat looked up, his eyes widening in surprise as he saw the familiar faces of Harry and Rahul. A mixture of emotions washed over him as he realized the significance of their presence.

"Harry, Rahuliya what are you doing here?" Virat asked, his voice filled with a mixture of confusion and gratitude.

"We couldn't stay away, bhai," Harry replied, his voice choked with emotion. "We wanted to meet our nephew, to be a part of this special moment with you and Anushka Bhabhi"

Tears welled up in Anushka's eyes as she forwarded her Arms to hug them and Rahul and Harry reached out to embrace their bhabhi.

Virat's voice is stern as he addresses them, "I can't believe you two. You're supposed to be resting, not gallivanting around London."

Rahul and Harry exchange sheepish glances, knowing they've been caught red-handed. Rahul steps forward, attempting to diffuse the tension. "Kohlito, we just wanted to be here for you and Anushka. We couldn't miss meeting the newest addition to the family."

Virat's expression softens slightly, but his frustration still lingers. "I appreciate the sentiment, but you both need to take care of yourselves. You're injured for a reason."

Harry chimes in, his tone earnest, "We promise, Virat. We won't overexert ourselves anymore. We just couldn't resist the chance to meet this little one."

Anushka, sensing the tension, interjects gently, "They came all this way just to see the baby, Virat. Let's not be too hard on them."

Virat sighs, relenting slightly. "Fine, but promise me you'll both rest properly after this."
     Rahul and Harry nod in agreement, relieved to have escaped Virat's wrath. They move closer to the bed, eager to finally meet the newest member of their extended family.

  As they approach, Anushka smiles warmly, "Boys, meet our little bundle of joy."Rahul and Harry's faces light up as they gaze at the sleeping baby. They take turns gently cooing and admiring the infant, overwhelmed with emotion. 

Suddenly, Rahul nudges Harry playfully, whispering, "Looks like I'm the favorite chachu."

Harry rolls his eyes, nudging him back. "Please, everyone knows I'm the favorite.".

    Virat, overhearing their banter, can't help but chuckle. "Boys, let's not start this again."

    But Rahul and Harry are already engrossed in their friendly competition, each trying to outdo the other in making the baby smile. 

   Anushka watches fondly, amused by their antics. "I think you both are equally loved by this little one."

     Virat nods in agreement, a soft smile playing on his lips. Despite his earlier scolding, he can't help but feel grateful for the support of his friends during this special time.The scene fades out with the sound of laughter and the soft cooing of the baby, surrounded by the love of her family and friends.


The scene transitions to a quiet moment in the hospital room, where the atmosphere is filled with warmth and joy. Anushka continues to cradle their newborn baby, while Virat sits beside her, admiring their little bundle of joy. Rahul and Harry hover nearby, still basking in the excitement of meeting the newest member of their friend's family.

Suddenly, Virat's phone buzzes, indicating an incoming video call. He glances at the screen to see the familiar faces of Rohit, Jassi, and Shubh, his teammates who couldn't be present in person due to a crucial test match.

"Hey, guys," Virat greets them with a smile, accepting the call. "I wish you could be here to meet our little one in person."

Rohit's face lights up with excitement as he peers into the screen. "Congratulations, Virat! We're so happy for you and Anushka. Can we see the baby?"

Virat nods, adjusting the camera to give them a better view of the newborn. Anushka gently lifts the baby closer to the camera, allowing Rohit, Jassi, and Shubh to get a clear look.

"Aww, he's adorable!" Jassi exclaims, her eyes filled with affection. "I can't wait to meet her in person."

Shubh nods enthusiastically, his voice filled with excitement. "Yeah, we'll have to plan a visit as soon as the match is over."

Rohit smiles warmly, his gaze fixed on the baby. "he's handsome, Virat. You're truly blessed."

As they admire the baby, Rahul and Harry can't resist teasing their friends. Rahul leans closer to the camera, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Looks like you guys are missing out on meeting the favorite chachas."

Harry nods in agreement, a playful smirk on his face. "Yeah, we're getting all the cuddles and smiles."

Rohit chuckles, shaking his head at their antics. "Oh please, you two. Just because you're physically closer doesn't mean you're the favorites."

Jassi and Shubh join in, their playful banter filling the air. "Yeah, Virat bhaiya, that's not fair!" Jassi pouts, pretending to be offended.

Shubh nods in agreement, his tone mockingly serious. "Yeah, we demand equal treatment for all chachas."

Virat laughs, amused by their antics. "Oh, come on, guys. You know I love all of you equally."

Rohit nods in understanding, his expression thoughtful. "Speaking of favorites, Virat, you know I'm baby's favorite chachu, right? Just like how I'm Vamika's favorite uncle."

Virat chuckles, rolling his eyes at Rohit's shameless declaration. "Sure, Ro. Whatever you say."

As they continue to chat and laugh, the bond between friends and teammates shines through, even across the distance. Though they may be apart, their connection remains strong, united by their shared joy and excitement for the newest member of their extended family.

The scene fades out with the sound of laughter and affectionate teasing, a testament to the enduring friendship and camaraderie that binds them together, both on and off the field.

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