Jealous brother and Ice cream

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Virat sat alone on the team bus, his eyes fixed on Mahi bhai and Rohit, the laughter and camaraderie between them intensifying his feelings of loneliness. His once bubbly demeanor now cloaked in a subtle gloom, Virat couldn't help but feel a tinge of jealousy as he missed the days when it was just him and Mahi bhai against the world.

Yuvi pa, ever perceptive, noticed Virat's mood shift and settled down beside him. "What's cooking in that little rabbit mind of yours?" he quipped, a playful twinkle in his eyes.

Virat sighed, his frustration bubbling to the surface. "It's Mahi bhai and Rohit. They're always together, and I feel like I'm invisible."

Yuvi pa chuckled, "Ah, the perils of brotherhood. Let's do something to lift your spirits. How about we indulge in some ice cream? Nothing like a scoop of sweetness to melt away those blues."

The suggestion brought a flicker of excitement to Virat's eyes, and the duo made their way to the nearby ice cream stand. However, as they savored their cones, Virat's gaze kept drifting back to Mahi bhai and Rohit, who seemed to be immersed in their own world of laughter and shared jokes.

Sensing Virat's persistent sadness, Yuvi pa decided it was time for some heart-to-heart comfort. "You know, little rabbit, sometimes people get caught up in the moment. It doesn't mean they care any less. Let's enjoy our ice cream and make our own fun. We don't need them to have a good time."

As they continued their ice cream escapade, Virat found solace in Yuvi pa's company. The bitterness of jealousy began to wane, replaced by the sweetness of the moment. But the true turning point came when Yuvi pa made it his mission to cheer Virat up, spending the entire day engaging in activities that brought joy and laughter.

However, as the day unfolded, Virat's gaze wandered back to Mahi bhai and Rohit, who were still engrossed in their own world. A melancholic sigh escaped him, catching Yuvi pa's attention once more.

With a smirk, Yuvi pa declared, "Alright, little rabbit. It's time for some brotherly intervention. Let's go and remind them who their favorite little brother is."

The duo approached Mahi bhai and Rohit, Virat wearing a hopeful yet mischievous expression. "Hey, Mahi bhai, Rohit, meet my bestie as well as favourite big brother, Yuvi pa. He's been keeping me company all day since someone decided to forget about his cheeku."

Mahi bhai looked surprised, Rohit amused, and Yuvi pa played along, "Yeah, someone needs to keep this little rabbit out of trouble. I guess he's just feeling left out."

Virat grinned, the plan working better than expected. "Well, we're having our own fun, right Yuvi pa? Who needs them?"

Yuvi pa nodded, "Exactly. We've got our own brother's party going on."

As the day unfolded, the quartet found themselves spending time together, the initial tension turning into laughter and shared moments.

     However, the real twist came when Rohit, always the playful one, decided to tease Virat about his earlier jealousy.

"Looks like someone's feeling a bit left out," Rohit quipped, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Virat, not one to back down, replied, "Left out? Please, I'm just making sure Mahi bhai remembers who his favourite younger brother is."

Mahi bhai, catching onto the friendly banter, raised an eyebrow. "Oh, is that so? Well, I can have other friends too, you know."

    "Yuvi pa look at them" Vi whinned hugging Yuvi.

   " stop troubling my little Rabbit" Yuvi scolded playfully.

The atmosphere became a playful exchange of teasing and laughter, each member of the quartet contributing to the light-hearted banter. Virat, now in the midst of the camaraderie, couldn't help but feel grateful for the bonds that bound them together.

As the evening unfolded, the foursome discovered that they could create new memories together, blending the old and the new. The jealousy transformed into a shared camaraderie, and under the starlit sky, the ice cream stand became a symbol of mended hearts and strengthened brotherhood.

In the end, as they sat together, sharing stories and laughter, Virat couldn't help but remember the times when either Mahi bhai or Rohit got jealous if he spent too much time with Yuvi pa. It was a full-circle moment, a reminder that the dynamics of friendship and brotherhood were a delicate dance of understanding, teasing, and, above all, unconditional love.

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