Pilgrim's Path

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It's been some time, and we've entered a biome that kind reminds me of the Grand Canyon. "Ouch! Eugh! This sticky sand again!" Custard Cookie yelped. "A Cookie covered in sand! What could be worse?!" He complained. "Scoop! You get a shoulder ride!" I said picking him up and having his legs drape over my shoulders. Taffeta was on my head because I don't want her to deal with this.

"Beeear Jellies, buy Beeear Jellies! Sweet, cheeeewy Beeear Jellies!" An Artisan Bear Jelly yelled out. "The Bear Jellies have made it all the way here..." Strawberry Cookie muttered in surprise. "Hello! A very hot day, isn't it?" Wizard Cookie asked, questioning the Artisan Bear Jelly. "We're gummy, thaaank you! But dooown this road, you might meet a foul buuunch... Be caaareful!" The Artisan Bear Jelly warned.

"A foul bunch, huh?" Chili Pepper Cookie questioned. "When you meeeet them, you'll knooow!" He added. "Thank you for the tip, sir." I thanked with a curt nod. "Yooour welcome, ma'aaam." He replied as we continued down the path.

I saw a little scorpion that was chocolate with a berry tail. I bent down with a hum, before taking out some food, breaking off good a piece and gave it to the little guy; he looked a bit malnourished – can they get malnourished? – so I wanted to be generous. He took the bit of bear jelly and quickly ate it; he let out a cute squeak, raising his claws in the air. He skittered towards my hand, climbed on it and up my arm, to which I put my other hand over my arm to let it crawl on it, and set him in my breast pocket.

"Don't tell Wizard Cookie." I whispered. "I won't, if I'm the one to give it a name." Custard Cookie bargained. "Deal!" I whispered. "Any suggestion?" I questioned. He hummed, bringing his hand-nub under his chin before he made an 'ah-ha' expression. "Onyx because he looks almost as dark as night." He quietly exclaimed. "Nice." I said, raising a hand-numb up; Custard Cookie was confused by the gesture. "Where I'm from, we call it a high-five; we hit each other's open hand in either a celebrating or greeting gesture. But since we don't have fingers, I'll consider it a high-nub." I explained. His mouth made an 'o' shape at the explanation and hit my nub.

"According to my research, halfway to the Kingdom, there's place called Pilgrim Village..." Wizard Cookie informed. "What is a 'pilgrim'?" Custard Cookie asked. "Drifters, who travel the world in search of their own ideals..." Wizard Cookie explained. "We have that back where I'm from; it's how the holiday Thanksgiving started." I added.

"That's so cool! I shall become a pilgrim! Oh no, who will rule the Kingdom then?! Hehe!" Custard Cookie giggled. "Whatever floats your boat, bud." I said. "Uh-huh, as if he had a claim..." Wizard Cookie muttered. "Yeah, let's head to that village to eat and rest! You know the road?" Chili Pepper questioned.


"Hm?" Gingerbrave hummed before sniffing the air before walking next to Wizard Cookie and sniffing him. "Why are you sniffing me, huh? You're making me uncomfortable!" Wizard Cookie said. "Huh... I won't say anything, it's for your own good!" Gingerbrave said, feeling embarrassed as blush rose on his cheeks. "What? Now that's really unsettling..." Wizard Cookie stated. "It can't be that bad since you're smelling him. So, enlighten us. What are you smelling?" I asked.

That's when this group of weird-lookin' things, with yellow mohawks and bandanas with blue-and-red triangle patterns, stood in our way, . "Khya hya-hya! If you wanna pass, you gotta PAY!" He demanded, tossing a shank in the air and catching it. "What are you supposed to be? The troll under the bridge? Didn't know they're so small." I mocked. "Gah! That's the foul Ginkgoblins!" Custard Cookie cried.

"Aha! I thought that was Wizard Cookie's smell!" Gingerbrave said aloud. "What...?" Wizard Cookie questioned in an offended tone.

"Sweetie-meetie Cookies... You gotta pay!" Another one cried out. "What's the price?" Gingerbrave asked. "TWENTY THOUSAND CRYSTALS!" The first one laughed. I breathe through my none-existent nostrils, clasping my hands together and in front of my face and eyes closed; I gave them an 'are you serious' expression, both nubs pointed down at them. "Boi," I said, "does it look like we have that many crystals?"

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