Prologue: An Ancient Force Awakens!

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In the distant past... When the chaos of iron and flame still reigned... Five Cookies were baked by the Witches. Radiant beings, graced with wisdom and power unparalleled. The Five were destined to reshape the tempestuous world, and usher in a new era of peace, prosperity, and enlightenment for all.

Along their adventures was a trusted ally that made them feel euphoria, vulnerable, and whole.

Alas, great power always begets corruption. One by one, their will crumbled under the weight of their own strength. Once promised saviors, the five became twisted apostles of evil and brought forth darkness and devastation.

As their reign of terror spread across Earthbread, their trusted ally, the one that they loved, now an obsession of theirs, tried to stop them, but it was all in vain. The five captured her and began corrupting and contorting her mind and soul, turning her into their Paladin of Chaos. The Witches could not bear to watch the calamity that had befallen the precious land of their creation.

The Witches punished the Five by sealing them away in the remote continent of Beast-Yeast. And scattered across the world vestiges of their power, yet untouched by shadow, the Soul Jam. In hopes that a new batch of heroes would learn to resist the temptations of such strength and put it to better use...

And... as for their Paladin of Chaos, they were too far gone in the madness of the Five's obsession; her curse had become permanent after some time. Saddened by something that they couldn't fix from the Five's corrupted power; the Witches destroyed her 'til only her soul remained. They sent her reformed soul somewhere where the Five couldn't reach, no matter how hard they would try, hoping that she will be safe out of their reaches; to become anew and to no longer suffer the omen placed upon her and be free once more...

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