Land of Little Big Dreams Part 1: Small Beginnings

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My head...

The last thing I can remember is...

Downloading the game Cookie Run: Kingdom...

And my computer suddenly pulled me into the screen like it was a black hole...




Wait a minute...

I sat up with a gasp, panting for breath. I looked around to see that I was in some sort of forest, a dark forest to be exact. I went to rub at my eyes, but something was off. I moved my hands away from my face to see that... they were nubs, and my fingers were gone. I looked down at the rest of my body to see that my body was completely different; my outfit was different, my hair feels like it's made out of Jello and was a different color, I body was flat and had the texture of a cookie...? The only thing that stayed the same was my bolo and its red, circular gem.

"What... What is this...?" I asked myself, standing up, stumbling as I stood up, trying to catch my balance; Even as I tried to walk. I slowly moved out of the area, exploring my surroundings until I got used to my feet being so thin. "This is so strange." I muttered to myself, looking around the dark forest.

Then, I heard a scream. "WOULD YOU STOP CHASING ME?!" It shouted. I turned my thin head to where it came from, and tried to run over to where it was. Keyword: Tried. The first few steps I took, I fell flat on my face, letting out an 'oof' sound come out of my mouth from the slightly painful impact but I got up and continued to run, almost stumbling until I got the hang of it.

As I continued to run closer, there was sounds of fighting. When I finally made it, the person- well, cookie, I guess, who was shouting earlier is now fainted on the floor. Either that, or he's dead. I walked over to him and poked him with my nub to see if he would wake up, but he didn't. He looked like your stereotypical gingerbread guy.

"Uh... okay then. What to do now?" I asked myself. "The best thing to do at the moment is to find somewhere to stay and someone to help..." I muttered, picking him up and throwing him over my shoulder and walked somewhere in these woods.


It took a while, but I finally found some people... or cookies and two things that resembled gnomes... But they seem to know who this is; they even told me their names. Strawberry Cookie and Wizard Cookie.

We stood around the cookie, waiting for him to wake up when one of the gnome-looking guys leaned over the cookie. "Helloooo in there? Wakey-wakey! Rise and shine! Up, up, UP!" It said. "Wha...?" The cookie groaned. "WAKE UP!!" The gnome shouted, startling the cookie awake, causing him to sit up and quickly stand up.

"Wait. Where am I? Oh yeah. GAAAAHHHH!!!" The cookie shouted. "Wake up, Gingerbrave!" The gnome guy exclaimed. "But he's already awake though." I stated in a deadpanned tone. "Oh, right." The gnome nervously chuckled before clearing his throat. "Finally awake you are!" The gnome exclaimed, throwing his tiny arms in the air.

"Hi, Gingerbrave! Are you okay?" Strawberry asked. "Strawberry Cookie? Wizard Cookie? And... stranger? You ditched the witch too? Seriously? That's-that's amazing!!!!" Gingerbrave stated, eyes sparkling in amazement.

"Um. Yeah. Oh, boy. Okay, here's the thing... It was HORRIBLE! THE WITCH WAS HORRIBLE! I woke up from the heat... a-a-and THE WITCH... WAS EATING A COOKIE! Suddenly it got so dark I couldn't see. I WAS BLIND! Then I realized my hood was over my eyes. I ran away and ended up here. I thought the Witch would hear my steps! But I got lucky... Phew! That's how I escaped and got here." Strawberry Cookie explained. 'Aww... precious baby...' I thought in my head.

"Good for you, Strawberry Cookie! The Witch was really scary!" Gingerbrave pouted. "But hold on- Who are you guys? You're not Cookies! Well, except for you. But I don't know who you are!" Gingerbrave brought up.

"I'm Y/n." I said, slightly raising my ha- nub-thing up. "We are The Sugar Gnomes! We found you and Y/n Cookie in the woods and brought you here! This is heart-melting! So many Cookies in one place! It's our big chance to rebuild the Cookie Kingdom! Diddi-da-di!" Sugar Gnome-1 stated. "Again, it's just Y/n. Not Y/n Cookie, just Y/n." I corrected, rubbing where my nose would be.

"So cool!... Wait. What's a Kingdom?" Gingerbrave asked. Don't you know this place – this very place – used to be a KINGDOM? The Cookies left long ago. But we Sugar Gnomes waited. And waited. And waited... AND waited. OH, WAITED SO LONG WE HAVE!" Sugar Gnome-1 informed. "Doo-di-dah! It's your Kingdom now! Now! It needs a name..." Sugar Gnome-1 continued.

"Hmm... Why don't you choose a name Y/n?" Gingerbrave suggested. "ME?!" I questioned in shock. "Her? Uh, no offense, but why should we let a Cookie, who we don't know, choose a name? And Kingdom? *Scoff* Once again, no offense, but these look like some old sad forgotten ruins?" Wizard Cookie questioned.

"Well, it looks like ruins now, yes... But indeed, a glorious Kingdom once it was. And did you decide a name yet?" Sugar Gnome-1 asked me. "Uh... Maybe... I/K/N? (Insert Kingdom Name)" I suggested with a shrug. "Good choice, Ma'am!" Sugar Gnome-1 congratulated.

"Wizard Cookie! Reset! Try some optimism! C'mon, this is amazing! A kingdom of our own!" Gingerbrave suggested. "Really? You're serious? Okay, Gingerbrave. One key question: how many Cookies do you see?" Wizard Cookie asked. "Four Cookies!" Gingerbrave confidently said without hesitation or had even thought about what Wizard Cookie was implying. "A-very good! And now... Which one do you think should get to rule this so-called... 'Kingdom'?" Wizard Cookie questioned.

"I don't know!" Gingerbrave stated, still with that confident tone. I facepalmed with a sigh. "..." Wizard Cookie didn't say anything, but he was clearly annoyed by his response.

"Gingerbrave, you have any idea what a Kingdom is? Be honest. Do you have even the SLIGHTEST piccadilly notion what I'm talking about?!" Wizard Cookie asked, getting upset. 'What even is a piccadilly anyway?' I thought to myself.

"No fighting! Not allowed! We'll build a Cookie House for you! But curious, we are! What's a 'Piccadilly'?" Sugar Gnome-1 asked. "That's what I'm wondering too." I muttered. That's when I took in what this small Sugar Gnome had said. "I'm sorry, build-a-what now?" I questioned. "What- Did you say a Cookie House?" Gingerbrave.

"Please don't tell me that it's made out of dead Cookie remains..." I breathlessly muttered under my breath. "Correct, kind sir! A place to rest-a home!" Sugar Gnome-1 said. "That doesn't answer my question..." I said, but I was left ignored. "A home of our own? For real?" Gingerbrave asked.

And just in that moment, we watched as the Sugar Gnomes build a Cookie house, to which I found out that wasn't made out of dead Cookie remains. While they were building, I couldn't help but feel... recognition of this place. Why does it seem so familiar to me?

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