one / 하나

188 3 15

MARCH 2, 2023

I wake up, grabbing my alarm clock and throwing it across my bedroom, thankfully forcing it to turn off. I sigh, and open my eyes. I sit up slightly to try and look at what time it is from the clock across the room, but it's facing the wall. Instead, I grab my phone, and notice that the time is 5:30 in the morning and I have received a text from my cousin. I never get texts from my cousin, so out of curiosity, I click on it.

The message is something along the lines of "universe ticket survival show audition here yadda yadda yadda"

I jump up in my bed, out of excitement. My cousin is a pretty big KPOP fan, and she's still very young, as she's only 18. I immediately get up and get dressed, even though school starts in two hours. I put on my schools uniform as I have nothing else proper to wear, and I put on the best looking makeup I've ever done. I've auditioned for so many companies, but none have taken me. This might be my final chance, as I'm growing old. Yes, I'm only 15, but companies like em' young. Not that way.

I film an audition to the song "Sugar Rush Ride" by Tomorrow by Together. Reason being, I learned the song as soon as it came out. And the dance. I didn't know what to sing so I just sang while dancing, and I've perfected my stable-ness after getting rejected by every known company out there.

I send in the audition and sit in my room, researching about survival shows, just so I know what I'm getting myself into.

Truth is, as soon as I did that, I then researched every way to un-submit your audition.

Now I'm sorta hoping I don't get in.

I set a reminder for everyday between June 1st and June 10th to check if I was accepted, as they only select a total of 84 girls.


JUNE 7TH, 2023

I wake up to my very abruptive alarm, as I need to get ready for school. I live in the United States, and my summer break doesn't start until June 20th. I grab my phone and see a notification from my gmail.


I almost scream in nervousness, I click on the notification without thinking twice and read the entire thing. I mainly skim over the entire thing until I see in bright, bold letters, WELCOME TO UNIVERSE TICKET, SHIN NURI.

I jump out of my bed, and re-read the entire paragraph, to which it simply says "thank you for auditioning yadda yadda yadda we loved your audition and you've passed the first round yadda yadda and we want to see you for an in person audition in korea yadda ya"

I immediately rush out of my bed to tell my sister the news, to find everyone in my house NOT there. Instead, I text my very loving cousin the news, to which she replies immediately, more excited than I.

We exchange texts until I have to get ready for school, except I ultimately decide to not go, and instead to book a flight ticket with my cousin.

Me and my cousin exchange texts and I tell her the date that I need to go, and she starts screaming, over text though, because that's somewhat possible. Turns out, she has work during my auditions, so I have to go ALL ALONE.

Without thinking, asking, or having enough money, I buy a flight ticket. The last parts a joke. My flight leaves in two days, and my cousin is currently booking me and apartment for a few months. MONTHS.

I need to spend the rest of today packing, and I need to go to school tomorrow so I can tell my teachers that I'm missing the last few weeks of school. My flight leaves at 8:30 tomorrow night, so I'll go to the airport, all alone, cold, lonely, right after school.

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