Kindred souls

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It had been some time since they had stopped in Redmaw's domain, and had unnofficially joined the colony. It was a harsh life in the volcano, but they adapted fairly quick. Redmaw had told them if they wish to stay, they must contribute like the rest of her flock. Crown was slightly irritated at the demand but begrudgingly followed through.

It was about time they went on their first raid. Definitely because their bored, not cause Redmaw threatened to incinerate them! Surely not! They flew between sea stacks, trying not to collide with any other dragons until they saw an island in the distance, the odd light flickering in and out occasionally. Crown groaned internally. Of course they were raiding a human settlement, only the most irritating this side of the archipelago (other than those damn seltas).

 He hears some shouting as the first dragons begin their assault. Nadder's land on roofs, zipplebacks infest taverns, and Crown is looking for something worth nabbing. He lands on the outskirts of the town, inside what seems to be a field of some kind. he sniffs the air, both looking for nearby people or animals. He only smells yak, sweat and blood. He wanders around, looking for the yak he smelt.

Eventually he finds it, hiding in a small alcove under a patch of hay. He also found something else. It was a human child. It looked at him with fear, and hugged the yak for comfort. He started digging into the alcove, eventually managing to grab the yak by a leg and biting down on its neck. The young boy screamed as a loud crunch and a spray of blood fell over his body.

while he's stuffing the majority of the yak's carcass in his jaw, he hears a thundering pair of footsteps, and feels a heavy impact on his jaw, and he stumbles. "Go Stoick! I'll hold it off!" He looks over and see's a female human gesture the body out of the alcove, while keeping her eyes on Crown. The body lets out a quick 'nuh-uh!' and goes even deeper into the alcove.

The human brandishes an iron sword and shield, with blue jewels seeming like massive veins. "Come on... come get me and away from the alcove you massive reptile" He hears the viking mutter. He moves away from the alcove and towards the wheat fields, away from the female. He hears footsteps and turns into a charge. The female human strafes to he left and blocks the charge with her shield, Crown's horn scrapping the metal and she moves away.

"Come on then!" She takes an opportunity and jumps onto his back, grasping one of his thorns with one hand and her sword in the other. She moves to stab the dragon in the neck, but her sword bounces of harmlessly and falls to the floor. Crown's patience was beginning to wain, as he started trying to take off. The female letting out a yelp the moment she notices they were no longer on the ground. 

Crown was continuously ascending, occasionally spinning and changing direction of flight. His erratic motions eventually led him over the center of the village, and other people were quick to spot the new dragon, and even quicker after that to spot the chief's wife hanging on for dear life while on its back! Armond shouted to the air and ran for the catapault, unaware of his son looking for him amongst the very armed and rough crowd. "Papa! Something took Mom! PAPA!"

Armond single-handly moved the catapault to the dragon and loaded a large stone. Kelda saw this out the corner of her eye and felt a shiver down her spine. If that boulder hits the dragon, it could end badly for both of them. Yes, including the dragon! Despite her show of intimidation and aggression, she didn't want to harm it. 

She moved to the side of the dragon's head during a moment of calm, and waited. Eventually, she heard a thunk the sound of something heavy coming towards them. Yep, Armond the Anger had launched a boulder the size of a small dragon at a dragon carrying his wife. She jumps backwards and swings with all her weight, tilting the dragon enough for the boulder to miss them both.

Crown took notice soon after the boulder flew past him that he almost certainly would have been hit had the human not swung him around. He stops flying eratically and dives down again, shifting around so the female is on the back of his neck holding on. He lands hard onto the floor, dirt and debris falling everywhere. Crown stands up, only a little worse for wear as he plops the human female onto the ground. She, compared to him, looks like shit.

She stands the best she can, and throws up, both from dizziness and the horrifying experience she just had. She turns to Crown in time for him to pin her to the ground. She tries to get up, but is met with a warning growl. She looks up, defeated and meets the dragon's thoughtful gaze. 

Crown was pondering hard about sparing the human, and maybe more. She had possibly spared his life, and had never really truly tried to kill him. Plus, he found it admirable the fact she took on a dragon as large as him just for her young. He hummed, and lifted his claw off the female. She sat up, and looked up at him. 

She reaches out to touch the dragon, who reaches out to her with one of his wing thorns. They meet, and the woman's breath hitches. The dragon lets out a guttural coo, and covers her with his wings, dragging her closer to him until she is right in front of his head. "I knew there was something different about you" She whispers, pressing her head on his muzzle.

After a moment, the dragon pushes her back gently, and looks towards the village. The silhouettes of dragons fading into the distance. The raid is over, and like usual, the dragon's got away mostly unscathed with the viking's food. The large beast looks back at her and takes off, following the rest of the flock. She looks down and see's a few thick green scales, an orange bristle and a strange fiery orange scale. She picks them up and tucks them in a pouch. 

Only then does she realise she has a long walk to get home, and her family is probably worried sick about her. What fun.

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