Humans? Noooooooooo....

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It has been roughly 3 hours since they had last left the mudflats. By now they were on the beach of the large island they called home. Wordlessly they had agreed to wait until Crown can fly before they leave the island completely. So they sat on the rocky beach and waited. For hours, then days, then a whole week.

They woke up to the sun bright in their eyes, sand between their scales and the smell of Terrible Terrors nearby. Most importantly, however, was the smell of a fire and cooking mutton. "Gods I'm hungry" mumbles Black, slinking off his armored friend to investigate.

Black continue slinking forwards into the bush, until he comes to the source of the smell. It was a pair of Vikings roasting a piece of mutton and yak cheese over a fire. It was a couple, an old woman and an old man, probably her husband. They had clearly just woken, similar to them. 

"I'm telling you Kelda, there is a dragon the size of 3 trees here! Think of the gift it could be for our boyo back at berk! Just imagine, our Stoick drinking ale out of a horn the size of my arm!" The man says, gesturing with his hands, to his very skeptical wife, Kelda.

"Oh Armond, I think Stoick is still a bit young for ale. He is barely off the yak's teat! And if there is a dragon so tall as so many trees, then I doubt even you and I together could deal with that" Kelda says, taking a chunk of cheese off the fire and slinks a piece onto some bread.

Black was a bit startled. They were talking about hunting Crown! He started backup, trying hard to not rustle the bush. He isin't so lucky. He stumbles over a root and breaks some branches. He holds his breath for some time. When he finally moves again and releases his breath, a speck of fire escaping his breath, lighting a leaf.

'oh fuck me-'

In a split second, he has a half a dozen sharp axes and knives in his direction. "Terrors be damned to helheim! Little gremlin must have smelled your cheese" Arnold shouts as he reaches for another axe, only to have his hand harshly clasped by his wife. "You've already lost 3 or 4 axes dear, I think that's enough. Poor thing is probably dead already"

Armond wanted to say something, but one glare from his wife shut him up. "I suppose your right" He sighs as he puts his axe back and moves to pack up their stuff, while his wife just looks on disapprovingly.

Black eventually manages to snag a small satchel of food and drags it away for him and Crown to eat. As is to be expected however, he got lost, looking for the beach they were sleeping on. Of course, he has a couple near-encounters with the human couple again, but eventually he finds his own footprints from hours ago, and follows them back to their beach.

He finds Crown still in a deep sleep, his tongue hanging loosely, drool lazily hanging off of it. By now Black had done this whole song and dance maybe one too many times, since he found he could almost never wake Crown up in any other way than either food or irritating him till he woke up (and promptly chasing Black in circles till he gets tired again).

This time he got lucky as soon as he placed some meat onto his friend's tongue, it started retracting, eventually fading into the black endless abyss, that being Crown's rotund guts. The big green bastard woke up with a snort, yawning so loudly the whole island may as well have heard it. Pretty unlucky considering the company present on the island.

"Now that your awake, we need to leave! NOW!" Crown just winces at the little smokebreath's shouting and looks away, mumbling about mud baths and some unsavory things about Black's mother. "Whyyyyy, I doubt there is any reason to leave. I don't see anything wanting to eat you, and I don't hear any nearby Seltas to bother us"

"Tell me, how do you think I got you that mutton?"

"Gods above Crown! There are humans not even an hour's pace from here!" Black shouts again as he stomps the sand as if it stole his gold in pure frustration. Now it clicked in Crown's head and he gave some thought. Normally he wouldn't really be all that bothered by humans nearby since they couldn't really do that much to him, but with how exhausted he is, even after a nap, and how wounded he is, this could be a bad situation.

"I think I had lost them in the forest, but I'm not sure for how long. I think we should head west, humans don't seem to go in that direction too often" Black climbed up Crown again and the started walking into the west, unknowingly into somewhere that would decide their future.

Little did they know, Someone watched them from the bushes. Kelda, the female of the couple stunned looking at this green behemoth of a dragon. She subtly followed them, hiding in the bushes and trying to sketch the green dragon. Turns out Arnold hadn't lied, only exaggerated; The thing was not the size of 3 trees, but 2. She didn't know what class it should fall into if she were to describe it. Her first gut was to put it into sharp due to the spines, but between the color and the obviously thick scales made her think boulder as well... Mystery it is! 

Finishing off the sketches, she closed her book and wandered bacj ti her camp. Thinking about whether or not she should tell her husband about it or not, and whether she should add this to the book of dragons... Nah! She'll keep her eye on the dragons. She left back to the camp, tired and very excited at the sight of a new species!

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