Chapter 3

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I started frantically putting the pizza in the fridge and trying to find my keys.

"Whoa, whoa, Devon what's going on?" Reneé asked, gently grabbing my shoulders and turning me to face her.

I took a deep breath and met her eyes, "my dad called, something is wrong with Blu... I don't know what but I have to get out there right now. I don't even know how I'll get there, the buses don't run this late. I guess I can call an Uber." I blurted out in a panic.

"Dev, breath. I can call my driver, he can be here in ten, and I'm coming with you."

"Reneé you don't have to do that, it's okay."

"I want to Devon, plus you shouldn't be out there alone this late," Reneé smiled and texted her driver.

The car ride felt like it lasted hours, I was fiddling with my bracelet trying to take deep breaths. Wrong could mean anything, broken bone, torn tendon, infection. Oh god, he could be colicing. My mind was moving a hundred miles an hour and there was no stopping it. I shut my eyes and shoved the heel of my hand into my eyes. A soft hand on my shoulder brought me out of my trance.

"Baby breath, you've been holding your breath. Do we know anything?" She asked.

"No, he didn't tell me, but he sounded stressed. I'm worried he's colicing," I sighed.

"What does that mean?"

"Horses can't throw up, if something is wrong with their stomach, it can kill them."

"Oh Dev..." Reneé unbuckled herself and scooted over into the middle seat, bringing me into her side, "it'll be okay".

Before I knew it we were pulling into the dirt driveway, "Just drop us here, thank you!"

I grabbed her hand and jogged into the barn, immediately seeing my dad walking Blu up and down the aisle.

"The vet is on his way, he should be here any minute," he said.

"What's going on?"

"I came out to do night checks and Blu was pawing at the floor and rolling around, he seems to be improving but I definitely think he was colicing," he explained.

I walked up to him, taking the lead rope from his hands and continuing to walk him back and forth. I could tell by his eyes that he was uncomfortable but he seemed to relax a little when he realized it was me. A few minutes went by and the vet entered the barn, I passed Blu off to him and found Reneé sitting on a bale of hay in the corner.

"How is he?" Reneé asked, I sat down next to her.

"He seems uncomfortable but improving, we'll see what the vet says..." I leaned into her shoulder, "thank you for coming out here, it means more than you could imagine".

"Devon, don't worry about it, you shouldn't be alone right now. Plus, I enjoy spending time with you, I wasn't ready for the night to be over," She smirked, playfully bumping my shoulder.

I smiled at her opening my mouth to talk when my father and the vet approached us.

"He seems to be feeling okay now, I gave him some pain killers so he's comfortable. He was definitely colicing but I think he just had some trapped gas because I didn't find anything during my exam. I'll come out for another look next week but stall rest until then," the vet explained.

"Thank you," I released a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Go see your boy," my dad smiled.

"Want to come meet Blu?" I smiled at Reneé, reaching for her hand.

She nodded, taking it and following me down the aisle. I slid open the stall door, greeted by Blu's friendly ears and soft eyes. He looked worn out but significantly more comfortable than before.

"Hi sweet boy," I whispered, resting a hand on his nose. "Reneé come in here... This is Blu, the man in my life," I smiled playfully.

Reneé walked in, timidly reaching her hand out to pet the side of his neck, "he's huge".

I chuckled, "he is, but he wouldn't even hurt a fly. I got lucky with him"

Blu snorted and then turned his head away from me and towards Reneé. What he did next surprised me, he extended his neck and placed his forehead on her chest. She smiled, placing her hands in the top part of his mane. We all stayed in his stall for a while in comfortable silence, the only sound being the wind blowing through the barn.

My dad approached his stall, "why don't you two go home, I'll come to check on Blu in a few hours".


"Devon sweetheart, don't worry I got him. It is almost three in the morning, go home, get some sleep, and take tomorrow off." He pulled me into a hug, "and tell me about your new friend tomorrow".

I smiled and pulled away, gesturing at Reneé to follow. We both climbed in the back of her driver's car but this time she immediately scooted to the middle seat. I smiled at her, resting my head back onto the seat. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew Reneé was shaking me awake.

"Devon, we're back at your apartment."

I groaned and got out of the car, Reneé followed me upstairs. She ensured that I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and took my boots off.

After I was safely in bed Reneé wished me a goodnight and went to turn the lights off. Against my better judgment I reached back and grabbed her wrist,

"Stay, please."

I woke up the next morning warmer than usual, I turned over and Reneé was still fast asleep next to me. She looked so peaceful, her lips pursed and blonde hair spread across the pillow. I checked the time, 11:26am, and it was not surprising that it was so late since we got home just after 3am. I sighed and shimmied out of bed, deciding to let Reneé sleep a little longer. I needed water, I felt like a raisin after last night. I read through my missed texts while sitting at my kitchen counter, two from my friend Claire, and one from my dad letting me know that Blu was doing well. I sighed in relief and opened tiktok. A few minutes later Reneé strolled in wearing my hoodie from last night and only underwear. My eyes widened momentarily before I gained my composure.

"Morning," Reneé mumbled, sleep still lacing her voice.

"Hey, sleep okay?" I asked.

Reneé nodded, "Better than I have in a while," she walked up behind me and leaned on my back, "What are you watching?"

"Just tiktok," I swiped to the next video which happened to be some sort of blonde lesbian posing for the camera. I swiped up, closing the app as fast as I possibly could.

Reneé smirked over my shoulder, "Into blondes, I see?"

My face turned beet red. Just one particular hot blonde, I thought to myself. "Do you want to get some brunch?"

"I'm so tired, order in?" Reneé pouted, resting her chin on my shoulder.

"Yes," I smiled, turning the chair around so I was facing her. I panicked a little when I realized this put her legs directly between mine. I cleared my throat, "I know a place that delivers both bagels and coffee, sound good?"

"A woman who knows the way to my heart," she smiled down at me, placing a hand on my thigh, and leaned in closer.


A little shorter than normal but I felt like it was a good stopping place.... things heating up in the next chapter 

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