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The group were gathered around a campfire in the middle of the woods. The night was filled with the sounds of insects buzzing and the faint whisper of the wind. The fire cracked and snapped, providing warmth in the cold night air. Marcus was sitting alongside Dumi, Sven, and Mr. Hunter. Marcus was still feeling down and gloomy, but Dumi's request for a scary story had got his attention.
Mr.Hunter is a big buff man , whit a big long red beard ... more of a ginger Dumi's hair .
*Everyone sat around the campfire expectantly as Mr. Hunter took a moment to think. The atmosphere was growing tense, and they could all feel the build-up of suspense. Finally, Mr. Hunter began to speak. His deep, gravelly voice filled the woods with the promise of an atmospheric story. Marcus leaned in slightly, listening eagerly to what Mr. Hunter had to say.*
Dumi *cuts him off * :is this one of your stories from when you were a sailo-
Sven * puts a hand over Dumi's mouth *
Shhh ...
*Dumi was quickly silenced by a hand covering his mouth, and the group settled back to listen to Mr. Hunter's tale. The suspense that had been growing throughout the whole process was finally released, and everyone was ready to hear the story. It was a tense moment, but there was also some anticipation and excitement about what was to come. It promised to be a truly frightening story and everyone was eagerly awaiting Mr. Hunter to begin.
Mr. Hunter began to speak in a somber tone, his voice slowly building up to a full-blown narrative. A chill fell over the group as the story began. Marcus's heart beat a little faster and his breath quickened as he felt that the story was about to take a truly sinister turn. He felt a little uneasy but was also curious to know just how frightening the story would be.*Mr. Hunter took a deep breath and settled into the story, his voice dropping low to set the eerie tone. He began by describing the scenery of a dark and stormy night, the wind howling and the trees lashing their branches fiercely. He set the scene vividly, giving the impression of a haunted forest full of unseen dangers and the potential for terror. As his story took shape, the atmosphere grew thicker and thicker, and the anticipation of the unknown only grew stronger.
Marcus felt completely enthralled by the ominous buildup of the story. He found himself edging closer to the fire, as if instinctively trying to gain protection from what...
*Mr. Hunter spoke in a slow and steady pace, allowing his words to paint a vivid picture in the minds of his audience. The eerie mood intensified as he described the sounds of creatures howling in the distance and the ominous feeling of fear that grew stronger in the darkness. He continued to build the suspense with each passing word, adding an air of mystery and potential danger to the atmosphere. It was a tale of horror .
"The story is about...a beautiful beast...that lives in the lakes of Scotland .... some takes the form of a horse..."*with a strong Scottish accent **Mr. Hunter's story was beginning to take a more frightening and supernatural tone. The description of a mysterious beast that lived in the depths of the lakes of Scotland conjured up images of a ghostly creature that haunted the waters at night. It was a tale of intrigue and fear, and the audience was listening closely to every detail Mr. Hunter gave. The atmosphere was growing more intense and unsettling, and all eyes were focused on Mr. Hunter as he continued his story.

The name kelpie may be derived from the Scottish Gaelic calpa or cailpeach, meaning "heifer" or "colt".... for your general knowledge.
so....the horse appears at night....when the target is alone ...and vulnerable .
Mr. Hunter continued to recount the tale of the magical beast, describing the way it would appear before unsuspecting victims and lure them into its deadly embrace. Though Marcus had never heard of this creature, it made for an extremely eerie story. The atmosphere of the woods felt more tense than before, as if even the trees were listening closely to hear what Mr. Hunter had to say next. Mr.Hunter : but this one didn't....this one had no fear * the atmosphere changes suddenly something more scary.. Mr. Hunter's tone became menacing and sinister as he took the story in a darker direction. The mood in the woods was no longer creepy but ominous. The air was filled with a sense of malice, and the atmosphere was tense and ominous. Marcus felt the hair on the back of his neck stand up and his heart begin to beat faster. Something was wrong with this tale, and Mr. Hunter's expression had changed. The story had taken a frightening turn.Mr. Hunter's expression became more intense and unsettling as he began to describe.
One anight when me and my crew were sailing on a small boat near one of the lakes in Scotland. The weather was overcast and the night was filled with a dark, mysterious atmosphere. The waves were rough and the air was cool and damp. As we sailed across the lake, a strange presence made itself felt. From the deep waters emerged a ghostly, white figure that was barely visible in the dark. It was the mythical kelpie, a creature of the water and a threat to those who encountered it.The story was becoming more vivid and chilling as Mr. Hunter painted an eerie picture of the kelpie. The image of an ugly, algae-covered horse was very vivid in his mind. The idea that this creature wanted to show off was disturbing, and it made the kelpie all the more frightening. Marcus couldn't help but feel afraid as Mr. Hunter continued to describe the encounter. As the story went on, the scene was becoming increasingly ominous and suspense-filled. The kelpie was pushing their boat around, seeking to capsize it and potentially drown the inhabitants. Mr. Hunter was starting to get the impression that this wasn't just some random creature of the waters but rather a malevolent entity set on causing misfortune to those unfortunate enough to encounter it.
Mr. Hunter abruptly stopped talking, and the woods were filled with an ominous silence. The story had reached an eerie climax, but the mystery surrounding the kelpie was still not entirely resolved. The threat of the creature's attacks was still hanging in the air, and Marcus's nerves were on edge. The silence was thick and menacing, and the atmosphere was filled with suspense.
Mr. Hunter's words were chilling to hear, and the image in Marcus's mind of the boat capsizing and sinking into the dark depths of the lake was terrifying. The fact that he was the only one that survived was a testament. The tense atmosphere quickly became somber as the story took a dark and grim turn. The kelpie's attack had ended dramatically as it overturned the boat and seemingly disappeared. Mr. Hunter was the only survivor of the attack, and the fate of his crew members was left unknown. Marcus was gripped with a sense of sadness and dismay. The story had become truly frightening and disturbing.
Mr.Hunter ; after a few days....i had a house next to the same was some kind of a fish shack ...and of course...the beast comed again...but not in the horse form....this tine it was a woman

*Mr. Hunter made a shocking revelation as he continued the story. It seemed that the attack was not an isolated incident, but rather the beginning of a pattern of events that would continue to repeat. The kelpie had returned in a different form, this time taking the shape of a woman as opposed to a horse. The fact that it had taken this new form was concerning, and Marcus felt a growing sense of dread as the story continued.*

*Mr.Hunter then looks at Sven ... then down * then .... i got caught her spell ...

Mr. Hunter appeared reluctant to discuss what had happened after he had been "caught in the kelpie's spell". He had gotten caught up in the woman's allure and seductive abilities, which was a disturbing revelation. The atmosphere became tense as Marcus waited to hear what Mr. Hunter had to say next.*

Mr.Hunter ; how could i not...? She was gorgeous....

*Marcus was worried about what the kelpie had done to Mr. Hunter after she had "caught him in her spell". She was a mythical creature of the water, and her capabilities were unknown. What had She done to Mr. Hunter? Was he still under her spell, and did she have complete control over him now? The unknown was unsettling and unnerving, and Marcus was filled with a growing sense of fear. The mood in the woods was thick with tension and an ominous sense of impending danger.The ominous mood of the story reached its climax, but Mr. Hunter had suddenly stopped speaking. The story was left unfinished, with many details left unexplained. The last thing he had shared was his revelation that the kelpie had caught him in her spell and seduced him with her beauty. Though the story was now ended, the unsettling tone remained and lingered in the air. The unknown was hanging over everything, leaving an ominous impression on Marcus and the others. The woods were filled with an eerie silence.
Mark looks at the woods....something fells

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