3. Distraction and deductions

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You spent the rest of the afternoon at your desk, finishing up paperwork from previous cases while you waited for the surveillance footage and lab reports.

Occasionally, you would sneak a glance at Changbin. His desk was diagonal to yours and gave you a perfect view of him.

Him and his stupid full lips and sharp eyes. Stupid jet black hair that he would run his fingers over. And of course, his arms and those insane muscles.

It was all so annoying to watch. Especially when he rejected the coffee one of the uniformed officers had gotten him during lunch break. She obviously had a thing for him and he didn't even thank her.

Just shoved the coffee right back at her. Jerk.


What was the deal with him anyway? Why did he think he was soo much better than everyone else-


You jumped slightly at the booming voice calling your name. You snapped out of your thoughts and looked up to see your boss glaring at you.

"Sargeant Bahng! Sorry." You got off your chair and bowed slightly.

"Why are you so distracted?" He sighed, "Anyways your evidence is here. Interrogation room 1 is all yours."

You nodded, "Thank you."

You turned to Changbin's desk to find that he was already staring straight at you.

Everyone was staring at you.

You cleared your throat, as Changbin got up and the two of you walked to the interrogation room.

It was a small, dimly lit room with grey walls and a massive two way mirror you used to record perpetrators confessions.

In the middle, lay a table with three rusty chairs around it.

"Right so, we have her phone and wallet, the murder weapon of course." You pointed at the items that lay sprawled on the table. "And the lab reports."

Changbin nodded, shifting to lock the door of the rather small interrogation room.

You raised an eyebrow at his actions, and he shrugged his shoulder.

"I work better with no disturbance." He spoke, licking his dry lips before continuing. "So try to keep your mouth shut."

You clenched your jaw. "You first."

"Are we playing fiesty now, Kang?" His eyes gleamed as a small smirk tugged at his lips.

"Can you fucking focus?" You snapped, tearing your eyes away from his face and back to the evidence.

You were already annoyed at having received a slight scolding from your sargeant, not to mention the embarrassment of having the entire precinct overhear it.

"You're the one thats distracted." He plainly said, trying to hold back his smile.

He loved winding you up, to try and get a reaction he knew slipped so easily out of you.

"Right." You clenched your jaw again, opening up the autopsy report as you sat down. "Two stabs to the right lumbar region and one to the right hypochondriac region."

Changbin walks over and sits opposite you, pulling out the second copy and reading from it. "The wounds were deep, made with force that required distance. Therefore-"

"The perp's left handed." You finished for him. "Getting slow, are we?"

He ignored your comment, reading further from the report. "She died of blood loss at 10:25 but the stabs were made around 10 so she lay there for 25 minutes."

Being a detective meant that you were exposed to all sorts of horrible things, but it never made it easier.

"She was 26." You read, feeling a slight heaviness in your chest at the thought that she was the same age as you.

Changbin's sharp eyes stayed focused on you, an unreadable expression on his face.

"This morning- Detective Aera said something about the victims boyfriend." He finally spoke up, giving you a look that you immediately recognized.

"Yes! Uh, she told me in her purse- they found only her phone and her wallet." You put the reports aside to grab two other items wrapped in plastic that were placed by the side.

You settled them down in front of you and Changbin.

"The wallet was empty except for 5000 won, and a picture with her boyfriend."

Changbin took the evidence bag from your hands, fingers brushing at the contact.

Just as you said, he found the money and the photo taken at a photobooth. The couple looked young and happy in the four strip image.

Now, one of them was dead.

"And her phone.." You turned to the other evidence bag, pulling it out and switching it on. "No password." You noted.

"She only has 4 contacts." You sighed.

"Who are they?" Changbin asked.

"Her boyfriend, her mother and two contacts named Jimin and Minho." You read out.

"Right well, we have to call all these people in. Lets start with the obvious." He stated.

"Her boyfriend." You completed, "Alright, I'll tell Aera."

You spent the rest of the time going through security footage and lab reports.

Happy at the progress you had made today, you got up and Changbin followed. You were the first at the door, so you unlocked it and walked outside.

Only, something was off.

"Where the fuck is everybody?" Changbin said, closing the door behind him as he came to stand beside you.

You reflexively turned to your right wrist to check your watch. "Oh."

"What?" Changbin asked, following your gaze to your watch.

It was 30 minutes past 6 o'clock, which is when your shift ended. No wonder the precinct was empty, the night shift officers would be walking in any minute.

"How long were we in there?" You asked to nobody in particular.

Changbin shrugged, "I guess time flies when you're having fun. I'll see you tomorrow, Kang."

And with that, he walked away.

You furrowed your eyebrows at his comment. Weirdo.

When you went home that night, you called Aera, ranting all about what had happened.

"Oh my god, was he flirting with you?" She said.

"Dont be ridiculous. Seo Changbin does not flirt, Aera. Especially not with me." You retorted.

She hummed in response, "Whatever you say, Kang."

"Don't call me that." You laughed.

"Oh sorry. Is it a nickname reserved for him?" She teased.

"Just do what i asked. Bring the boyfriend in tomorrow." You rolled your eyes.

"Yes boss." She said, "Alright i got to go, Dongman is back home."

"Yes yes, i wont disturb your time with your fiancé. Goodnight."

"Goodnight!" She said before she hung up.

Cold blooded | Seo ChangbinOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant