She approached him without his knowledge, quiet steps until she reached right behind him.

Hayun reached forward, both hands grasping onto his shoulders from behind him and gasped loudly.

He got scared, obviously. He whipped his head around, eyes wide with surprise and a hand on his chest.
"You- oh my god," he exhaled out. "That really scared me."

She had a knowing grin on her face, finding him endearing because she reached out and patted his head.
"Sorry, my bad. I didn't mean to." She lied.
His expression narrowed slightly, questioning her statement but she gave an innocent smile.

"What are you doing after this?" She asked him as he finished grabbing his stuff and stood up, now towering over her.
"Just...waiting until I have practice with my members."

Now that she was stood in front of him, he could easily tell...these were not her clothes. It didn't register at first because he assumed she was dressed comfortably.

The coffee spill and Wonbin supposedly being her saviour...

She must've caught onto his eyes on her oversized clothes.
"Oh, I need to give these back to him." She gasped. "I didn't get his number. I'm going to go home and get changed so I can give these back."

Jisung nodded, she looked suddenly determined to pay Wonbin back for his help.
"I'll see you later, when I come back we should grab a cupcake together." She called out, leaving him alone in the practice room.

Hayun strolled past the cozy cafe when she returned back wearing her own clothes, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafting through the air, tempting her senses. As she glanced through the open door, her eyes landed on a familiar figure seated inside. It was Mei, sat alone.

With a warm smile, Hayun walked inside and headed over. Mei looked up from her book, her face lighting up in recognition as she spotted Hayun approaching.

"Hayun!" Mei exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine excitement. "Hey! Come, sit with me."

"So, how's dance practice going?" Mei asked, her curiosity evident.

Hayun's face lit up at the mention of dance. "It's been intense, but in a good way. We're working on a new routine, and it's really coming together."

Mei nodded in understanding, her gaze filled with admiration.
"That's great, I can't wait to see it."

As they talked, Hayun couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort and belonging in Mei's presence. There was something about their friendship that made her feel understood and accepted in a way that few others did.

Chenle walked into the café with a warm smile, his eyes immediately lighting up as he spotted Mei.

"Hey, babe," Chenle greeted Mei with a kiss on the cheek, before turning to Hayun with a nod. "Hey. How are you?"

Hayun returned it with a smile, feeling a twinge of nervousness in Chenle's presence. She had always admired his easy confidence and charm, but at times, she couldn't help but feel a bit intimidated by him.

"I'm good, thanks," Hayun replied. "You?"
"Yeah, I'm good." He gave a nod.

Chenle's attention shifted back to Mei, his gaze softening as he looked at her.
"Sorry I'm late."
Mei smiled affectionately, reaching out to squeeze Chenle's hand.
"It's okay, babe. You're here now."

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