The White Death

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The Audience listined to Jacob with surprsie. 

"So your letting the Soldiers choose some stuff??" Ironwood said "Whys that."

"We are just prepaing for the next batch of multiverse to watch." Jacob said "And so while thats going on we decide to show you ones chosen by the guards while we prepare

"Okay so whats this one about?" Yang asked 

"Ruby being one of the best and deadliest Snipers in history." Jacob said 

" somthing Ruby actauly would be for once." Weiss said "Not a gangster, or the adoptive daughter of a god like creature..or a pycho running a daycare..but somthing actualy Ruby would be." 

"I guess you could think of it that way yeah." Jacob responded 

"Alright then lets watch it, i want to see Ruby Killing some Grimm like a badass sniper." Nora said

"Yes....Grimm." Jacob said with some hesitance, which Ozpin was able to catch on to

"She is killing Grimm...yes?" Ozpin asked causing everyone to look at the speaker as they waited for a responce from Jacob 

Thier was a moment of silence before Jacob said "You will see...put the multiverse player on" Jacob ordered a Guard who nodded before grabbing a disk and put it in the player which began to light up the screen for the Audience. 

"I wonder what its gonna be this time." Jaune said 

"Looks like were gonna find out." Blake responded 

The screen opaned showing a plane snow field with no form of life except a pair of leafless trees.

"Huh...strange this looks like Atlas." Winter said 

"Yeah or patch during Winter time." Yang said 

"I heard during some winter, patch looks like amnity sometimes." Jaune said 

"Yeah but only during the Harshest of Winters." Yang said 

"But where is looks so baron and empty...apart from the guy we are looking through." Ironwood said

Blake meanwhile closed trying to find someone, some other form of life "Matybe we will see them soon."

"But wheres Ruby though...are we looking through her eyes?" Jaune asked

The answers were soon met a suddenly a loud clang rang out followed by a bullet flying towards the POV dropping him dead. 

"WOAH!!" Everyone shouted suprised 


"I dont know, it just came out the fucking air...." Blake said scanning the view for any sign of the Killer 

"Camoflauge." Iornwood said "Someones blending in with the evnviroment...a sniper."

"And if its a sniper ...and were watching one about Ruby...then it can only be." Ozpin added 

"Ruby!!" They all yelled 

"Well i got to give her credit..pipsqueaks hidden well..i cant even see her." Qrow said looking for Sniper 

"Shes chosen a spot well." Pyrrha said 

It then changed to show Ruby rose with a smoking rifle as a Narrator was heard saying "Ruby Rose."

"The White Death."

"The White death." Yang said "If thats not one of if not the most badass names i think  i've ever heard in my whole life then my names not Yang Xio Long."

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