Hoi4 MP In A Nutshell

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"So Jacob now that all that's done what are we watching this time?" Ozpin asked 

"Well Ozpin, we will be watching When you put Idiots in command of nations." Jacob responded getting confused looks from everyone

"Errr..what do you mean?" Yang asked

"Well in this Universe Ruby is a youtuber named Bokoen1 who plays video games along side her friends." Jacob said

"Huh....you know considering all the fucked up universes you made us watch, this might no be that bad." Jaune said

"Yeah...anyway the game they play the most is called Hearts of Iron 4." Jacob explained

"Hearts of Iron 4?" Ironwood asked

"basically its a alternate history strategy game where deathshead did not exist Along with some other changes where the player can play any of the nations of the 1940s era." Jacob said

"Huh..okay." Yang said "That's sounds really cool."

"And i assume they play fairly and with respect yes?" Weiss asked 

"Yeahhh...noo...you will see." Jacob said 

"Somthing tells me we things are not going to be smoothly." Nora said

"Anyway." Jacob said "Play the universe player." He ordered

The Soldier nodded before putting tape in as it began to play.

The Screen lit up with some beginning words.

"In this game the axis had locked down Europe and then decided to attack Turkey the situation looked critical for the allies as German panzers were breaking through at a rapid speed so Brazil decided to conduct a diversion by landing in France a little to early compared to the Historical date."

The Audience looked at the words on the screen before Pyrhha said "Europe...Axis..Turkey..Panzers."

"I take it those were Earth things." Winter said

"Yes they were" Jacob explained "Europe is a continent, one that Britain was on while Turkey was the name given to the Ottoman Empire in Hoi4 and the Axis was one of the factions for the game while Panzers was the name given to German armoured forces." Jacob said 

"And judging by this title the axis are winning the war so far." Iornwood said 

"I wonder it means by historical date." Weiss said 

"We'll tell you later." A guard said as the video stared

The Video starts with the Ruby being seen scrolling on a map of the Americas as Neptune who is play Britain is talking. 

"Im Wasting your tax money, i didnt have  to pay to go vote today. that's because of your tax money you worked so i hard in i just..."

As he says this Ruby is seen scrolling on a list of generals before she decides to pick a man named William Simpson.

"Neptune." Weiss said surprised at hearing his voice

"What's he doing here?" Ren asked

"I guess he's one of Ruby's friends she plays with." Jaune said 

"And..what the fuck is he talking about." Nora said "Wasting my by..not going to vote..what."

"Im not sure is that how it works?" Ren asked to guards who just shrugged

Ironwood meanwhile focused on as Ruby picked a general to lead an army.

"If only it was that simple." He said wishing he could just see their strengths and weaknesses like that

RWBY Cast Watch The Ruby Multiverseजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें