“I can’t imagine where they’d get an idea like that.” Asami smirked back. 

The brothers just stared between the two girls confused. The looks on the boy’s faces were absolutely priceless. They would prank Korra herself all the time when they were kids. Sometimes it would turn into all out wars within their shared room. When Lin would find the remnants from their battles they would all be subjected to harsher punishments the next day, but it was most definitely worth it. This seemed like perfect payback.

“Am I missing something?” Mako asked from in front of them.

Korra stepped up in front and moved her hands to display the princess behind her.“Boys, this is Princess Asami Sato. And my former childhood best friend.” she introduced the heiress.

The earth mage only looked more confused. “Wait, you two knew each other?!” Bolin asked in shock.

“That makes a lot more sense.” Mako added with his arms crossed.

Korra made small talk to catch up with the boys as they stood in the courtyard. Apparently Lin stepped down from the Academy once Korra left in order to go back to her career as the Main Republic Village chief bailiff. Korra had heard rumors that Lin used to be a tough chief. She had taken the position from her mother Toph Beifong. The woman who created the prison in town, and she also happened to be the greatest metal mage to ever exist. Nobody really knew where she was today, but Korra would give anything to meet her. 

“Alright, I think it’s time we take your stuff back to the knight’s quarters and get you boys situated for the knight. It’s getting late, and we have a lot to discuss before tomorrow. We can talk more while we unpack. Which if your load is as light as Korra’s, shouldn’t take too long.” Asmai chimed in.

The four made their way down to the soldiers quarters. It was a separate building located to the left side of the palace. The walls were made of mud and stone, similar to the ones inside the palace. The floors seemed to be a bit older.  The wooden floors creaked as they trudged through the halls. Korra was becoming exceedingly more grateful for her own room in Asami’s wing as she made her way through the dirty interior.

Asami opened one of the doors in the long corridor on the second floor and pushed it open. Everyone entered as Asami turned on one of the oil lamps hanging along the walls. The boys carried in their cloth sacks of luggage and began to dump their things onto their bed.

Asami stared at the meager belongings that covered each boy's bed. Korra could see that it truly upset Asami how little the Academy let them have. It almost seemed as if Asami blamed herself, she looked pretty guilty as she eyed the boys putting away their things. However something seemed to catch her eye in Bolin’s pile of things.

“Wait. Isn’t that a pro magic uniform?” she asked eagerly as she looked at the old jerseys. The heiress’s eyes visibly lit up in amazement. 

“Oh yeah! Korra, Mako, and I are all on the same team. The Fire Ferrets! Named after our wonderful mascot. Pabu!” he said as the small little fire ferret peeked out from underneath his shirt and began chirping. “The next season will be starting in a week or so.” he informed them, dusting off the jersey and putting it into the closet. “You mean Korra didn’t tell you that we played?” he asked the princess.

“No, she didn’t.” Asami looked at her and smirked.

Asami only made a face like that when she had an idea. Korra couldn’t take a guess as to what the princess was thinking, but before she could ask Asami spoke up.

“So, when do you guys start practicing? I mean if the season starts in a week shouldn’t you be getting ready?” she asked the group.

“Uhh,” Mako stammered. “Well we didn’t think we could really play this year. I mean Korra was chosen to be your personal dame, and then she left early, and now Bolin and I are going to have to help guard the palace and everything. It just seemed like we weren’t going to be able to make it work.” he said. And it was the truth. The three had been playing together for a year now, and then really enjoyed it. However, being knights for the royals was a much bigger responsibility than some game.

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