Keeping Promises

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Metal could be heard clanking together from the middle of the court yard. Blades weaving back and forth fighting for dominance over one another. People dodged sharp thrusts of their enemies blades. Attacking each other, and defending themselves. The sun was beating down, and it was times like these that metal armor was considered an enemy more than a friend. It may save a life in battle, but it was definitely unwanted extra weight for the soldiers to carry. The heat of the summers in this territory were especially harsh on someone like Korra who grew up in the freezing winters of the Southern Kingdom, far away from where she now stood.

Everyone stood in the center of the large courtyard refining and polishing their skills for the big day ahead of them. The dirt patch they stood in was ugly in comparison to the landscape around them. The edges of the yard were beautiful this time of year with bright green grass and charming patches of multicolored flowers lining the stucco walls around them. It almost disguised the ugly dirt pit in the middle of the yard. Almost.

Korra took her stance, pushing her sword in the direction of the other knight in training directly across from her. He blocked her jab just in time. He then thrust a quick stab at her left rib, but Korra twisted her abdomen with haste and ease. The soldiers stumbled back from each other. They locked eyes as they dove back in again. They continued back and forth. Metal on metal screeching and clunking. Block. Attack. Defend. Jab. Pull back. There it is. Finally Korra saw an opening. She started to swing to the right, but at the last minute jumped and changed her stance. Hitting her opponent square in the chest with the tip of her silver blade. 

The future knights lifted their helmets as they panted from the strain of their sparring match. Sweat was dripping off both members and falling to the dirt below. Korra’s body was sore, but she still wore a smile from her victory. Her opponent stuck out his hand and spoke first. He had dark black hair and fierce amber eyes. 

"You always manage to find my weak spots. I was keeping up with you right until the very end." the boy, Mako, chided in between breaths. 

Korra let out a small chuckle "Perks of knowing you for so long, I've found all your weak points" Korra said with a sly grin. "Although, it doesn't help me prepare for the real action. I need an actual fight so that I can prove my strength." 

She had known Mako for years. They had met when Korra first joined the Knight Academy. One night an enemy of the Southern Village attempted to kidnap her in order to use her as leverage against her father. After that her parents had sent her away to knight school in order to keep her safe. She hadn't seen her family since. She received letters every now and then. However, she never had the time or the courage to respond. She knew it wasn’t really her parents fault. Her father was the Chief of their village back home. It made him and his family a target. That wasn’t his fault, and she didn’t blame her parents for the danger she had been put in. That didn’t stop the resentment she held for them after they abandoned her. She was only six when she was whisked away from everything she knew. 

Thankfully, she wasn't the only kid who had to adjust to the new environment. She had found a friend in the charming young man and his little brother. When she first arrived at the doors of the school she quickly got into a squabble with another member. She was a frightened kid with a brash and headstrong personality, it was bound to be a disaster. That's when Mako and Bolin walked by and caught her before she could really get herself into any trouble. Ever since then they often sparred and trained within the bland walls of the school. They had grown incredibly close, finding family within each other. 

"Yeah, I know what you mean. Sometimes I worry all this training won't actually prepare us for the real threats. But hey, this is better than trying to survive on the streets of Republic Village. Even if the drills are insanely strenuous and exhausting." Mako said with a hint of indignation creeping into his voice. 

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