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The mansion that Rachel lived in always felt like eternal winter, and tonight was no exception. Eternal winter, meaning coldness and boringness. Rachel spent her days exploring her home, which had a whole fifteen floors and dozens of secret underground passages. To any children, it would seem like the picture-perfect home they dream of, but to Rachel, it was a mansion with no feelings of home at all. 

Rachel sat quietly at the kitchen table, her breath forming small clouds in the chilly air. Her mother, Juliette, moved around the room with a distant air, her movements precise but lacking warmth. The atmosphere in the room was as frosty as the winter night outside.

"Mom, do you know where my blue scarf is?" Rachel asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Juliette glanced up from her paperwork, her eyes cool and distant. "Your blue scarf? Oh, I think they're in the coat closet," she replied, her tone devoid of emotion.

"In the coat closet?" Rachel repeated, a hint of frustration creeping into her voice. "I checked there already, they're not-"

Juliette cut her off with a dismissive wave of her hand. "Then I don't know where they are. Maybe you left them somewhere else."

Rachel sighed, the familiar pang of disappointment settling in her chest. It wasn't the first time her mother had brushed off her concerns with such indifference. In their cold and distant household, warmth and affection were in short supply.

As she trudged upstairs to search for her gloves, Rachel couldn't shake the feeling of isolation that seemed to permeate every corner of their home. She longed for the warmth of a loving embrace, a simple gesture of affection that felt increasingly elusive in their frosty family dynamic.

Returning to the kitchen empty-handed, Rachel couldn't help but feel a sense of resignation settle over her. In a household where even the simplest requests were met with icy indifference, finding solace seemed like an impossible task. As she sat alone at the kitchen table, Rachel couldn't help but wonder if she would ever find the warmth and connection she so desperately craved in her cold and distant family.

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