27 | A Game Of Chess

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No soul does nothing for free. Be it a mortal or immortal each flick of finger one takes in the name of another comes at a cost. That's a lesson Sea learned early in life. Yet, if anyone had ever managed to sway her steadfast resolve, it would be Auden Emette Romersai, with his deep ocean eyes and sunshine smile.

Despite his status as her lord, he had never wielded his authority over her staff. To him, the people who tended to his chambers was family, and Auden treated them as such.

Auden's genuine concern for others, his unwavering loyalty, and his infectious laughter thawed the barriers that Sea had erected to protect herself. Sea found her stone heart slowly softening, like a stubborn iceberg yielding to the warmth of the sun. His compassion knew no bounds, and his ability to see the beauty in the world, even in its darkest corners, inspired her to view life with new eyes.

His kindness was a gentle breeze that gradually wore down the walls she had built around herself. It wasn't long before Sea realised that a gentle feeling, something beyond respect or admiration had found its way into her heart, blossoming like a delicate flower in the cracks of her once-impenetrable fortress. And she knew she was in trouble.

Born into disgrace and burdened by her mother's mistakes, Sea had endured a lifetime of loss and hardship. Despite being a moonborn with the potential for great power, she had never been given the chance to discover her true abilities.

Branded an outcast from birth, she was constantly reminded of the misfortune that had befallen her family. In the sanctum, she was treated as a pariah, a shadow cast by Ada's radiant presence. They pitied her, whispered about her, and never let her forget her tainted lineage.

"Did you send a messenger to Gan?" Sea's voice shattered the tranquil night, her question slicing through the silence like a blade.

She stood on the balcony of one of the towers within the Sanctum, her gaze fixed on the open hall below. From her vantage point, she could observe Ada, Devereaux, and Hanna seated around a tea table, engaged in conversation.

Despite the distance separating them, Sea's sharp eyes caught every detail and she watched with keen interest, her mind swirling with thoughts and plans.

It was no surprise that Sea felt a sense of delight, even triumph, when Ada finally departed. Yet, the moment was marred when she saw Auden's tear-streaked face. It pierced Sea's heart like a blade.

He had lost the person who had been both his mother and father. He had shouldered immense responsibilities at a young age, and now, faced with even greater burdens, she feared for his well-being.

As if summoned by her inquiry, a figure emerged from the shadows, stepping into the spotlight of the moonlight beside her.

The newcomer exuded an aura of mystery, their features obscured by the cloak of darkness. Yet, there was an undeniable air of authority about him, a sense of power that commanded attention.

The man stood tall and resolute, his presence a stark contrast to the serenity of the night. A scar adorned his left cheek, a rugged testament to battles fought and hardships endured.

"Yes," he replied in a deep, raspy voice that seemed to echo through the night, akin to sandpaper rubbing against stone.

The pain of witnessing Auden's sorrow was unbearable. Sea couldn't stand to see him suffer alone, thrust into a position he was ill-prepared for. She knew that to root out the source of their anguish, she had to confront the darkness head-on, no matter the cost. Desperate to alleviate his pain, she turned to drastic measures, striking a deal with the Dagasha Monarch, despite the risks involved.

To Sea, Gan was not just a figure of power; he was a saviour, a beacon of light in the darkness. He understood the plight of the downtrodden, the pain of the wronged, for he had experienced it firsthand. Like her, he had been cast aside by those above and below, yet he rose above his own suffering to become a champion for all who had been forsaken.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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