Arthit's lips curved into a polite smile, though there was a glint of steel in his eyes as he addressed Isabella. "Ah, Isabella, it seems you've misunderstood," he remarked smoothly. "Kongpob isn't just a friend; he's a trusted confidant and an integral part of my team. His loyalty and expertise are unmatched, and I value his contributions immensely." Arthit's tone was firm yet courteous, leaving no room for further debate on the matter.


As the evening progressed, Arthit and Kong found themselves seated at a lavish dinner table, surrounded by other guests engaged in lively conversation. Isabella, ever the socialite, took the opportunity to slide into the seat next to Kong, her demeanor pleasant yet calculated.

"So, Kongpob," Isabella began, her tone saccharine sweet, "tell me, how does it feel to be in the presence of such esteemed company? I imagine it must be quite the honor for you."

Kong raised an eyebrow, his expression cool and collected. "It's certainly a privilege to support such a worthy cause," he replied diplomatically, refusing to take the bait.

Isabella's smile widened, though there was a glint of mischief in her eyes. "Of course, of course," she murmured, her gaze lingering on Kong. "But I can't help but wonder, what exactly is your role in all of this? Besides being Arthit's... assistant, that is."

Arthit, sensing the direction of the conversation, interjected smoothly. "Executive assistant. Kongpob plays a crucial role in the success of our endeavors," he stated firmly, shooting a pointed look at Isabella. "Although he is fairly new in our team, his dedication and expertise have become invaluable assets to our team."

Isabella's facade of politeness wavered for a moment before she recovered, her smile tightening slightly. "Ah, I see," she replied, her tone dripping with insincerity. "Well, I suppose everyone has their place, don't they?"

Kong remained unfazed, his demeanor unruffled as he met Isabella's gaze head-on. "Indeed," he replied evenly, his voice laced with quiet confidence. "And some are just better at playing their part than others."

Arthit stifled a chuckle, disguising it as a cough as he raised his glass in a toast to divert the conversation.

"On the behalf of AR group, I thank you all for taking out time from your busy schedules to support this cause.
Here's to the joy of giving,
To making a difference, and living
In a world where kindness reigns,
Cheers to love and all it sustains."

" We have been coming here every year, Arthit " One of the businessman teased Arthit good natured " It is only you who was busy then, it seems. "

Arthit chuckled, his tone light-hearted yet respectful. "Ah, well, better late than never, isn't it?" he quipped, raising his glass in a playful toast. "Here's to making up for lost time and ensuring that our contributions tonight leave a lasting impact."

Isabella picked up the thread immediately, her tone playful as she glanced between Arthit and Kong. " Arthit is mated to his business uncle. Even his plus one to this event is his secretary.  Is there some business you're looking to conduct tonight, Thit?"

Arthit's lips quirked in amusement, though there was a flicker of irritation in his eyes at the implication behind Isabella's words. "Ah, Isabella, I'm definitely more passionate about Business than I am about other things. " he replied smoothly, his tone light yet pointed. "But, tonight , I'm here to support a worthy cause and enjoy the company of good friends. And Kong happens to be one of my best friends as I have told you intriducing him."

As the dinner progressed, Isabella's subtle jabs at Kong became increasingly pointed, until finally, she crossed a line that even Arthit couldn't ignore.

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