Spring Bonnie's Secret

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Spring Bonnie's POV

William and I arrived.We saw that Henry was still working on Fredbear. I'm really ashamed that I poured water over Fredbear. I've been making mistakes all day today."Finally," said Henry as he placed the last part.Henry turned around and looked at us, a smile of satisfaction appearing on his face. "Fredbear is all fixed up," he said cheerfully.William nodded approvingly, while I tried to conceal my guilt. Henry noticed my hesitance and placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. 

"Don't worry, Spring," he said kindly. "Everyone makes mistakes sometimes"."I came across this, shouldn't this be there?" Henry asked William. Henry and William were having a discussion about the technical details. My mind drifted back to the moment when I thought pouring water over Fredbear would be a harmless prank.

"What do you think of the update, Spring?" Henry asked."Spring?" repeated Henry."SPRING BONNIE!" Henry shouted.I startled from my thoughts and innocently asked, "What did you say?"."Never mind," said Henry angrily."Shall we reboot Fredbear?" William asked."Yes, please," I replied. "Oh, Spring Bonnie has a crush on Fredbear," William said. "No, I-I don't," I stuttered.Henry teased : "Fredbear would appreciate it if you were on him." "SHUT THE FUCK UP " I yelled angrily.William and Henry burst into laughter.

"Shall we boot up your boyfriend Fredbear?" Henry said, laughing.There's a knock on the door. I realized that the door was still open."Hi Vince," William said to the figure standing in the doorway."When are you going to babysit your kids for once?" Vincent asked, with bags under his eyes."Michael cries all day because of you, he cries himself to sleep, and seriously waits for you all day," said Vincent to his brother (William).

"I'm just too busy, you like it anyway, right?" said William. "Well, I hardly get any sleep, and I actually don't want to see another child, so I don't find it that enjoyable anymore," said Vincent."Um, who's looking after Michael now?" Henry asked, joining the conversation. "Clara (Mrs.Afton) is looking after Michael now," Vincent replied."Maybe I can babysit Michael for once so you can *I pointed to Vincent*get some sleep, William doesn't have to worry, and you guys can just work," I said."And what if you have to go to the stage?" Henry asked."Well....... I don't know yet," I replied.

Vincent's POV 

"I saw that Spring Bonnie wanted to help, but I wasn't sure how Michael would react to this. Mike is only 3, so that's quite tricky.""I don't think it's a bad idea," said Henry. I saw William hesitating."I agree with Henry, but it's your choice, William," I said."I'm not sure," said William. "We can give it a try, right?" Spring Bonnie said convincingly to William."Yeah, it could work," William finally conceded."Okay, then that's what we'll do," I said."Hey, don't you notice how much Spring Bonnie's behavior has changed?" Henry said to William."Now that you mention it, it is noticeable," said William. Henry and William looked at Spring Bonnie.

"Do you remember the first words Spring Bonnie said when he was powered on for the first time?" William asked, chuckling."Oh yeah, that was unexpected," said Henry. "Can I ask what those words were?" I inquired."Fucking Hell, what is this light so Fucking bright," said Henry. William and Henry burst into laughter."Who's that idiot and why is he wearing everything fucking purple?" added William."Do you sleep on that fucking thing (the couch)?" Henry said, laughing even louder.

"I saw Spring Bonnie walking towards Fredbear." "Fredbear.exe, Power on," said Spring Bonnie. "Voice not recognized," replied Fredbear's system."You could have just asked, Spring Bonnie," said Henry."Fredbear.exe, Power on," said William. Fredbear's system responded with: "Fredbear.exe, Powering on."Fredbear opened his eyes.Spring Bonnie reached out his hand and pulled Fredbear upright.

"I'm going to babysit your annoying kid again, bye William, Henry, Springy, and Fredbear," I said.

I walked away

Fredbear's POV

"What happened?" I asked."Spring Bonnie has a..." William said. Spring Bonnie pushed William  before he could finish his sentence. "What does Spring Bonnie have?" I asked. Henry attempted to say something, but Spring Bonnie glared at him angrily, and Henry remained silent. "Nothing," said Spring Bonnie with a fake smile."I know when you're lying, Bonnie," I said. "Nothing, okay? There's nothing," said Spring Bonnie quickly.

Spring Bonnie walked towards the door opening and said, casting a glance at William and Henry, "If you tell anyone, I'll break your fucking neck." Spring Bonnie walked away."What was that all about?" Henry asked."You know damn well," I heard Spring Bonnie shout.

(Spring Bonnie X Fredbear) Burned friends, but still in loveWhere stories live. Discover now