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Hearing knocking on her window in the morning wasn't unusual for Lily.

She looked to her right of her bed at her bedside table checking the time 9:00am

"for fuck sake" she said huffing, ripping the covers off of her while making her way over to open the window already knowing who it was.

Opening to window the that Small Heath smell. Shit. Just like it's always been. Her Mother was right even thought the it smelled awful, it was home.

"What is it this time Finn?" crossing her arms before helping the boy through her window causing him to fall on the floor.

He hopped up off the floor dusting himself off before giving her a good morning kissing her cheek.

"I wanted to walk with ya" Finn replied smiling at the girl before walking over to her bed and flopping down.

She Rolled her eyes at him "We got a family meeting?."

"No the Garrisons been blown up" Finn said quickly after the girl as tho it was nothing now resting on his elbows watching Lily.

she spun around, eyes widened

Finn stared bursting out laughing, shaking his head at her knowing very well she's not going to be happy about her and Arthur's favourite place being blown up.

"It's not funny!. Anything else or are you just here to ruin my morning with that"
gesturing both her arms out as tho she was pointing to something.

"No, i just wanted to see ya" saying with a cheesy smile. Lily rolled her eyes turing away from Finn to pick out an outfit for the day while also hiding her flushed checks, having no idea why she was blushing.

Finn has always flirted with Lily, ever since she could remember. His older brothers always tease him for it saying that he's in love. She never thought anything of it thinking they were just teasing him because that's was older brothers are for.

And she never knew why she always blushed when he flirted or kissed her on the cheek. It was a normal everyday thing for her, sure she thought he was a good looking guy, Especially from the growth spurt he had over the summer now towering over her almost being 6ft at only Fourteen. And She knew it wouldn't be soon before he was taller than all his brothers. But she only just saw him as her best friend, right?.

Finn on the other hand has been in love with the girl ever since Lily's first day in Birmingham, helping her down from that tree when they were only five. Finn only being five at the time had no idea what love was but growing up realising he knew he loved her.

Anyone who knew Finn and Lily would see that they were attached at the hip, doing everything together, even if Lily was in her just room reading a book, it wouldn't be long before Finn was there too, not talking just sitting enjoying each other's company.

And they could all see the boy's attraction towards his best friend, or when his eyes lit up as she walked in the room or 'the love eyes' has his three older brothers called it.

Finn would never admit his feeling for the girl but he has never denied it ether. If anyone ever mentions it he would only just roll his eyes and blush or try his best not to smile.

He had been trying for years, and he would not stop, no matter how long it took until Lily Banks was Finn Shelby's girl.

"Stop looking, i need to get changed" Lily rolled her eyes at him even tho she had his back turned knowing fine well he was looking.

Finn quickly putting his hands up in surrender "I would never" saying in a sarcastic tone while grappling a pillow from her bed putting it over his face respecting the girls privacy.

After Lily finished getting ready the two teens went back out the window shimming down the drain pipe, not boring to say goodbye to her Dad or Brother knowing they would know we're she was and would see her shortly.


"Ok who the fuck blew up the Garrison !"
Lily shouted bragging through the door with Finn not far behind her laughing at
her once again.

No one was happy about there pub being blown up but they couldn't help but laugh at the girl, knowing it was one of her
favourite places to go to get drunk, or just being with friends and family.

Polly turned back around facing back to the wall, laughing at Lily "sit down and wait for Tommy, your father and Luke".

Arthur grapped a box of whiskey, pouring everyone a glass include Lily.

She wouldn't normally drink so early in the morning but on this occasion she needed it. Picking up the glass and downing it all in one while sitting down on the chair that was in the middle of Arthur and Finn.

"Fucking hell slow down Banksie" John laughing at her and calling her the nickname he gave Lily some time ago.

"Fu-" "watch yourself Lily" her Father coming through the door with her brother and Tommy stopping her mid sentence before she could tell John to fuck off.
She just rolled her eyes and crossed her arms as she stayed quiet.

After the meeting Lily stood up off her chair grapping her coat, mumbling to herself but was loud enough for everyone else to hear."I'm ragging they blew up our pup!" her accent sounding far more like the Shelby's than her own from being around them for so long.

And her and Finn made their way out the Shelby house to go help out Uncle Charlie and Curly at the yard.


Being at the yard with Uncle Charlie, Curly and Finn all day helping them out, it was becoming late so Finn walked Lily back home before your Father started a search party.

Her dad never really worried about we're she was knowing she wouldn't be far and she would always been with at least one of the Shelby's or her Brother, if not with him. He was more worried about what could happen to her, knowing there were bad some men in Small Heath and wanted her to be home at a decent time and safe.

"See ya tomorrow?" Finn said stopping now arriving at Lily's front door, and it being more of a 'i will definitely see you' rather than a question.

Lily laughed at him rasing both her eyebrows, knowing full well he would be at her window the next morning.

"When do you not see me". Finn just smirked at her before kissing her cheek goodnight like he did every night and morning before turning to walk back to his house.

But what he didn't know was that she was a blushing mess, her not even knowing why.

She opened the door and shouted to her Father and Brother so they would know she was home.

And what Lily didn't know is that Finn was the exact same, blushing and smiling to himself feeling like a six year old little girl after telling her crush that she liked him in the School playground, then running away giggling to her friends.

Well this is the first chapter i hope you like it. again if you have any feedback i would love the help. -Chloe

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