Chapter Two: Growing

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Over the next few months, you and Vivian spent a good amount of time together everyday, even on the weekends. The days where you despised going to class and would much rather stay home disappeared every time you saw her eyes light up at the sight of you. Breakfast was with her, lunch was with her, you even made it a tradition to get dinner as well even though both of you were always back at your respective homes.

Despite your happiness from all the time with her, you couldn't help but notice how different the two of you really were. While she'd say hi to over twenty people on the daily, on a regular day for you, she was the only person you'd talk to.

...Were you being too clingy? You didn't want to be selfish and hog her all to yourself, but this new friendship of yours was the one that you looked forward to everyday.

And so, while you were hanging out after classes were over for the day, Vivian sensed something was off with you. Throughout your friendship with her, you learned about her keen intuition, one that was scarily accurate at times.

"[name]? Are you doing okay?" she asked, "you've felt more... distant these past few days. Is something wrong?"

"Oh! Um. Yeah, no, everything's totally fine," you said with a wave of your hands. "I'm just feeling tired, I didn't get enough sleep last night."

She raised a brow, "Are you sure? I can tell when something's bothering you," Vivian said, "if it's something personal, I won't pry any further. Still, you know you can tell me anything, okay? I'll listen to you no matter what, and please don't give me that 'oh, it's kind of stupid' crap. Believe me when I say that none of your problems will ever be stupid, at least to me." She gave you a small smile, reaching forward to clasp your hand.

Feeling touched at her words, you glanced around before nodding.

"Um, thank you, Viv. That really means a lot to me. Could we move somewhere else, though? I'd like it if we spoke in a more private place about what's been bothering me."

"Of course," she nodded. Then, she seemed to be lost in thought for a moment. "How about... we go back to my place?"

Her mere suggestion made your eyes widen and heartbeat increase rapidly. You had never seen her apartment before in person, but she'd post pictures of the interior sometimes. To see it in person would be a dream.

Vivian blinked, "You'd rather not?"

"No!! I'd—I'd love to," you coughed, "where do you live? I guess we could call an uber to pick us up."

She chuckled, "Why would we do that, silly? I can drive both of us."

Oh my gosh, right. You forgot Vivian had her own car since you mainly relied on public transportation and walking to get to the college campus.

"Oh! Sweet," you smiled, "thanks, Viv."

Her smile said more than any words could.

Vivian's apartment was just like her: chic, clean, and beautiful. She poured you some tea and invited you to sit on her couch, which did not look cheap in the slightest. You better not spill any of it, or else you'd be looking at paying a debt you could not afford.

"I hope you like peaches," she passed you a mug, "I recently bought this peach tea powder online, and I've been obsessed with it lately. It is just my cup of tea, no pun intended."

Laughing, you picked up your mug and took a sip. Refreshing and fruity, just the pick-me-up you needed. "I can definitely see why you've been obsessed with it. It's really delicious," you grinned. Her eyes softened at the sight of your smile. Then, she took the seat across from yours, sipping at her own mug.

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