Chapter 9

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Just then, the gang heard a scratching sound.

"Aw no! Is Brer Bear scratchin' 'is butt on ma thawns again?" said Brer Rabbit.

He was about to scold Brer Bear, but when he opened the door, he saw that it was Ross who was scratching.

"Sis Patty? It's fo you" said Brer Rabbit.

"Ross! What are you doing here?" Patty cooed picking the dog up. 

"Oh no! He gon' pee in ma kettle!" said Brer Fox.

"He musta missed you" said Brer Rabbit. 

"I missed you too, Ross" said Patty cuddling the dog. 

Then she looked at her friends. "But... I'm sorry, buddy. You can't stay. You weren't the most considerate roommate."

She whispered in the dog's ear. "Their words, not mine."

Then Jeremy got an idea. A great idea on how Ross could live with his family but still visit Splash Mountain.

He fashioned up a doghouse and put it right next to the big plunge. 

"Now Ross has a little house so he can come and go as he pleases" said Jeremy.

"I even put in one o' my ol' stew kettles. As a toilet" said Brer Fox. 

Brer Rabbit handed Ross a bone. "An' heeahs a doghouse wawmin gif. Please chew on diss instead o' me."

"Aww, thanks guys" said Patty.

In the Laughing Place, Chad was leading Brer Bear down the path. 

"Brer Bear, there's something in the Laughing Place you need to see" said Chad.

"I alr'dy saw de two-headed bee. I named de lef' head Stingy an' de right head Ouch" said Brer Bear. 

Chad rolled his eyes and led Brer Bear to Burt who was standing next to a plaque on the wall.

"Brer Bear, we'd like to present you with this plaque for the beanbag toss" said Burt. 

"But I dint win" said Brer Bear.

"Yes, but you tied the record. So we're giving you a co-record holder plaque" said Chad showing the plaque.

The plaque had Brer Bear's name under the words 'co-record holder'.  

"I also got you a ten percent off coupon from the Disney store. All for Princess and the Frog merchandise" said Burt. 

"Well, dat's ironic" said Brer Bear. "But... I can't accept."

"Why not?" said Burt.

"Well, I jes' start'd playin. An' I almos' beat Brer Burt. Maybe wi' sum practice, I could set a new Splash rec'd. And earn ma own plaque" said Brer Bear. 

"Jolly good" said Chad with a smile. 

"Real... jolly good" said Brer Bear.

"And I'd be happy to give you some tips from Adam. He's got a good eye for long distance shots" said Burt.

"You's on. An' how bout ya get me a date wit one o' dem cheerleadas?" said Brer Bear. 

"Pal, I'm a superhero sidekick. Not a miracle worker" said Burt. 

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