Chapter 6

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The next morning, Patty woke up and Ross was no longer with her. 

"Ross? Ross?!" she called.

Patty hurriedly searched the mountain for Ross, but she couldn't find him anywhere.

She went to find Jeremy for help. 

Her friends had vacated to the Briar Patch so they could sleep somewhere more comfortable, since Brer Fox's lair was messed up. 

"Ross ran away!" Patty cried.

"Oh dear, Patty. You must be so worried" said Jeremy. 

"It's all your guys fault!" Patty sobbed.

"How's it our fault?" said Brer Rabbit. 

"Because Ross knew you didn't like him" said Patty.

"Oh cum on! Brer Bear knowz how we feel bout him an' he ain't run away" said Brer Fox. 

"Prob'ly cuz it invol's runnin" Brer Rabbit joked. 

Patty scoffed. "I'm gonna go look for Ross. Maybe he'll come if he smells his favorite chew toy."

She left the Briar Patch carrying another shoe.

"And there goes my last shoe" Jeremy sighed.

Meanwhile, Chad had just found Brer Bear at his house by the Slippin' Falls. 

"Brer Bear, may I speak to you please?" he said.

Brer Bear was still mad. "Well if it ain't Three-Beans Barker!" 

"I beg your pardon, but you barked at me. But it was still my fault" said Chad.

"Huh?" said Brer Bear.

"Oh, you didn't make up that name did you?" said Chad.

"No. Three-Beans Barker was a croc who nevah stopped eatin' beans" said Brer Bear. "An' he was de biggest jerk in de mount'n. Once, he blasted his three-bean gas in ma mouf."

"Why didn't you tell Uncle Remus?" said Chad.

"I dint need to. De act was nuff ter get Three-Beans evicted" said Brer Bear.

"Moving on" Chad cringed. "I want to apologize for telling Burt to lose on purpose. I was only trying to help you get your name on a plaque."

"Brer Chad, I wants ter earn dat plaque. I means, how'd you feel f'Ringo only sed Summa Song was a hit in Amer'ca outta pity?" said Brer Bear.

"Grateful; I always appreciate Ringo's help" said Chad. "But I do see what you're saying."

"Look. F'I don't beat Brer Burt fair an' square, dat plaque'd jes' be a giant lie" said Brer Bear.

"I understand" said Chad. "If Burt agrees to try his hardest, will you play for the record?" 

"Co'se. Dat's all I wan'd" said Brer Bear.

"Smashing!" Chad cheered. 

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