Homemade Pasta

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Nico got home after a game, which the Devils won. He was happy but also tired. He walked into the house, small stubble, suit, toque..he looked hot to say the least. When he walked in, he placed his keys on the counter and walked into the kitchen.

"Hi, Schatz." Nico smiled as he saw Maria, his Italian girlfriend, making homemade pasta dough in the kitchen. She turned and smiled at him.

"Ciao, amore." Maria grinned, kissing Nico softly before turning back to the dough. He wrapped his arms around her.

"Something smells yummy." He whispered, kissing her neck a few times. She giggled as his stubble ticked her neck. "That ticklish, hm?"

Maria didn't say anything, just continuing to bring the dough through the pasta machine to make the pasta for them. Nico laughed as he heard her continuous giggles.

Once the dough was cut into the pasta, Maria placed it into the pot to cook. Nico watched her the whole time as she began to make the bolognese sauce to go on top of the pasta.

"You should go change into comfy clothing." Maria said as she realized Nico was still dressed in his suit.

Reluctantly, he nodded and sauntered down the hallway to their bedroom to change. When he came back out a few minutes later, dressed in grey sweatpants and a white t-shirt, the sauce and pasta was all cooked and put into bowls.

Maria was on the phone with her mother, obviously mad at her. She was practically shouting Italian into the device.

"Mamma, non mi interessa. Non sto tornando a vivere in Italia." Mom, I don't care. I'm not flying back to live in Italy. Maria groaned. After a few moments, she got off the phone and rolled her eyes. "My Lord." She giggled.

Nico was confused. "What just happened? You were mad and now you're not?" He asked her in confusion. With a simple shrug, she grabbed her bowl and walked into the dining room. "Verrückte Dame." Crazy lady. Nico chuckled, grabbing his own bowl and walking out.

Maria had opened the bottle of wine from last night's dinner for them to share. She always had wine at dinner, but never more than a glass was here rule unless it was a special occasion.

Nico poured himself a glass before setting the bottle to the side and beginning to eat the pasta. One of his favourite homemade meals by her was always her spaghetti bolognese, and she knew that. So she tried to always have some pasta prepared, but some nights, like tonight, she needs to make it fresh.

"Is it good?" Maria asked him as he practically inhaled it. Nico looked at her and nodded, his mouth full. "Take smaller bites before you choke, amore." She shook her head.

He swallowed his food. "Don't worry, I won't choke." He chuckled.

The rest of the night was spent with jokes and happy laughter, even jokingly yelling at each other in their own languages which ended in them laughing on the floor from not understanding a word of what the other said. And all the fun was because of some delicious home made Italian pasta.


I accidentally disappeared again. My bad.

If you sent me a request: I promise I'm getting to them, I'm just working on rebuilding my motivation to write at the moment.

WC: 564

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