Katakuri finally got to the castle, panting from behind his scarf. The dragon was extreme dead weight when your legs are already have a hard time carrying you yourself, so the poor guy was left exhausted.

Oh, how badly I want my merienda right now.

Then it donned on Katakuri. How was he suppost to take you inside without you being noticed? He could stick you in his scarf, but the risks were too high. Just running for the infirmary would cause suspicions and someone might spot him.

I could hide it in my shirt? No, then I would look like a pregnant woman trying to keep a literal dragon from falling oilut of my shirt. Also, I'm not that fond of the idea of having to suck in the entire way there. Then again, the dragon dying doesn't sound nice either.

"Where do I hide you?" Katakuri asked, not really expecting it to answer as it weakly pointed at his scarf. It then covered it's eyes with it's paws, and Katakuri immediately got the message.

"Right, but don't look. Since you are just a dragon it shouldn't be that big of a deal, just try your best not to get my scarf bloody." Katakuri said before lifting the dragon up to his neck and pulling down his scarf just barely enough on the side.

He couldn't help but shudder as the dragon made it's way under his scarf, resting perfectly on his neck under his scarf. Sure, it looked a little weird, but it was better than looking like a pregnant woman while walking there.

"Just hang in there..." Katakuri said quietly before entering the building. He had tried to make his scarf look as normal as possible, which worked surprisingly well. Of course it was weird for him, but the dragon didn't have the time to play around with a scarf. Yes, the scarf meant a lot to Katakuri, but Katakuri also wasn't scared of an animal being to close to his secret. Her occasionally felt the dragon's tail tip brush against his scarred cheek, causing him to slightly flinch, but he tried his best to ignore it.

When Katakuri entered the infirmary, everyone turned to him. He then made his way to the best doctor there, and he gestured to the doctor to follow him before walking into a different room.

The doctor hesitated for a second before hurrying after the Sweet Commander.

Katakuri closed the door behind the doctor, and he could see the doctor trembling in fear of what was going to happen.

Just get to the point, Katakuri.

"I have an issue." Katakuri started. "Have you ever treated a lizard?"

"A lizard?" The doctor echoed, confused.Katakuri then carefully reached into his scarf, making sure not to reveal anything as he pulled the small white dragon out of his scarf. The doctor gasped, stunned.

"Don't tell anyone or you're dead." Katakuri threatened, holding the dragon out. "Treat it and give it back."

The doctor nodded vigorously as Katakuri lowered the dragon into the doctor's hands.

Katakuri heard a quiet whimper come from the dragon as he let go of it, as if it didn't want to leave his side. Yet, the doctor still rushed off into the operating room, although it would be difficult to patch up something so small, let alone a dragon.

~4 hours later~

Katakuri had been sitting in a chair just outside the door for hours on end by now before the door swung open, the doctor stepping out, looking relieved.

"She's stable, just asleep. I'm unsure when she'll wake up, but she will eventually." The doctor said, smiling.


"Oh, I'm sorry, Katakuri-sama." The doctor said apologetically, bowing slightly. "We found out the dragon is female."

"That's it?"

"Yes, that's all we could figure out. If you don't mind me asking, how did you find the dragon? The Government Officials said they had gone extinct centuries ago."

All that came from Katakuri was a quiet sigh as he stood up.

Hoping that if I ignore them, they'll shut up.

Katakuri had started walking towards the door to the room before he heard the doctor's voice, making him halt qithhis hand hovering over the doorknob.

"Don't you want to hear about her wouds, Katakuri-sama?"

Katakuri stopped walking and slowly turned to the doctor.

"She was bitten on the neck by something with an unidentified venom. She received a total of 26 scratches caused by talons and had internal bleeding due to a deeper scratch along her stomach. I advise she doesn't fly until she's 100% healed in order to not risk reopening any wounds. I don't know how long she'll be in the infirmary but is currently unconscious." the doctor explained, watching Katakuri's face closely.

Damn... I didn't think it was that bad.

Katakuri then hummed briefly in acknowledgment before entering the room the dragon was it.

"Oh, and one more thing, Katakuri-sama." The doctor said hurriedly, following Katakuri into the room. "I suggest not messing with the neck pouches we had found on her. I just opened one and found all sorts of stuff I've never seen before. Just to be safe, we should have her open them once she wakes up and explain everything to avoid risks."

Katakuri simply hummed in acknowledgment again as he walked over to the dragon and looking at her closely.

Would've been helpful if I hadn't already thought of that.

Oh? The thing's back to it's normal size. I wonder why. Was it because it passed out or did it do it intentionally? Whatever, I'm going to take a shower to wash the blood off my back and neck.

Katakuri then exited the room, going back to his own and stepping into the shower. Afterwards, he was getting dressed but was quickly irritated as he found blood stains on his scarf.

He had tried to scrub them out in the sink but couldn't, leaving him in an even worse mood than before.

I help it and this is what I get? I'll have to ask Brulee for a new scarf. Now that I think of it, she could be in the mirror world right now. Of course she knows about my mouth, she has no sense of when people need privacy.

Katakuri walked up to the mirror and knocked on it hesitently.

He waited for a bit.


Waited some more.

Still nothing.

Odd, she must be off doing something else.

With that, Katakuri put his scarf back on and left the bathroom. He had managed to hide the bloodstains but he wasn't sure how long it would work.

Slowly but surely, he walked back to the infirmary where he found the dragon still on the bed. He leaned against the wall next to the bed and watched her.

~7 hours later~

It had only taken Katakuri a few moments to notice the dragon's breathing had quickened. His attention had been snapped back to the dragon when it shifted onto it's side, a frown on her scaled face.

Katakuri watched her intently from his spot against the wall, an eyebrow raised.

A nightmare?

Suddenly, she hissed something in her sleep. It wasn't understandable, but it surely wasn't mumbling. It was an entirely different language.

Oh? This dragon is full of surprises I see.

From A Myth To Reality (Katakuri x Whiteout)Where stories live. Discover now