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A/N: Quick question :) I've been thinking about doing a perspective switch on this story. Most likely into 3rd person. What would your opinions be on something like that? (This means I would go back to EVERY chapter and change them to 3rd person.)


    "Who do you think he'll take?" I chewed on my food slowly, curious to hear what she'd say.

    "I don't know if you'll like it." Alora laughed, her brows tilted, "I wonder if that's why he came by today."

    It wasn't too farfetched of an idea.

    "Please no. It wouldn't work anyway. I mean— a Rito and Hylian?" I scoffed at the idea, rolling my eyes.

    "I mean... you're here." Alora glanced down at my arms before meeting my eyes once more. The air between us grew heavy, the weight of her words pushing down. The Rito was right. It could absolutely work, that much was known.

    "But I mean a relationship. I doubt we're that compatible." I mumbled, taking small sips of the drink in my hands.

"You'll never know until you try." The pink Rito spoke through bites of her food. "I don't think you'll be able to avoid it much longer anyway." Her eyes drifted to a table nearby, inviting my eyes to follow.

I was quick to spot Revali seated across from Melany nearby. To say he looked like he was having a good time was an overstatement. Melany was talking his ear off, the blue Rito visibly zoning out as they ate. I couldn't help but laugh a little, feeling bad for both of them. I scanned over their attire, my eyes widening seeing that Revali wore the anklet I made for him, the small star fragment glowing where it dangled.

We watched them for a moment, doing our best to piece together what they could possibly be talking about. Melany seemed all over the place but eventually, the words 'ignore' and 'neglect' were mentioned. Revali rolled his eyes, glancing to his side as Melany went back into her rambling. It seemed I looked over just as he did, locking eyes for just a moment before shifting my eyes back to Alora.

His gaze was intense and I could feel it lingering on me, my chest flushing with a familiar warmth. My fingers gripped at the loose ends of my hair, tugging at them as my breath quickened. "Oh goddess," I took an anxious breath, "Alora help me. I don't know what to do with myself." As I spoke, I could feel my cheeks heating up.  How embarrassing.

Alora stifled a laugh as I stared at her in desperation, "You don't need to do anything. He's having his dinner, you're having yours."

I nodded in agreement, "It's all so new though." I said, wiping the palms on my hands on the nearest napkin. Having such feelings for someone was so overwhelming, something you have to experience yourself to fully understand.

We finished our meal, quick to leave, and made our way home. The snow was really coming down now, pilling up along every step as we hurried. Just near the last step, my foot caught the smallest patch of ice, throwing my leg out from under me.

"Oh Hylia—," I yelped, losing balance as I reached for the railing to my right. Alora was quick to reach out and help, but someone else reached me first. I felt a light pressure on my back, pushing me forward as I steadied myself. My head whipped around instinctively and I was at a loss for words, my stomach knotting.

    It was the Rito champion, wing extended out from helping me back up. His eyes held the slightest concern before it was blinked away.

"I need to talk to you," Revali spoke firmly. I looked down at him, trying my hardest to hide the rising tension I was feeling. Alora placed a hand on my shoulder, patting it as she nodded sympathetically before continuing up to her door.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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