Chapter 2. Reckoned Souls

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Mike: Yes you do.

Sally: No I don't! Stop saying that I read slow!!

Andrew: Jeez, I can take a hint.

Mike: Literally no you can't.

Andrew: Really.

(I literally can't think of anything else to happen.)

Mike: Let's get that out of the way.

(The Lights went out)

Mike: What?

Sally's Perspective: I really don't know why they act so mean to me, but anyways the lights went out and that surely isn't a surprise, basically how that literally happens all the time. I'll just fix the generator or Andrew or Mike will fix it, but right now, I'm not a coward, I got this.

Mike's Perspective: Honestly i'm genuinely curious about why this happens often, but I feel like someone is creeping up on me, I am definitely sure that's is the generator. Now that I think about it, it feel suspicious how it went off by itself.

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