He Apologises For Making You Cry

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Sal - You were completely devastated by the hate mail you had been receiving. You tried to just ignore it, like Sal had suggested, but it wasn't working. Eventually, you ended up in hospital due to complete exhaustion and stress which was causing you to become dehydrated and not eat. You were told to rest for a few days, whilst you were on a drip to help get some fluids back in your body.
There was a knock on your door.
"Come in!" You shouted, you were surprised when you saw Sal enter the room.
"Fuck! Y/N! What happened?!" He said in a panic as he hurried towards you.
"Sal! I'm okay -"
"You're obviously not! Please babe, tell me what it is."
The next moment, your doctor came into the room.
"Apologies Miss Y/L/N, I didn't realise you had a visitor."
"What's up with her doc?" Sal asked quickly.
"This young lady is undergoing a lot of stress and her body is exhausted. She's not eating, sleeping or drinking. I'll be monitoring her here for a few days until I believe she's well again.
"Stressed? Exhausted? Y/N what's going on?" Sal asked, you could hear the panic. The doctor excused himself as you looked at Sal.
"- It's because of all the hate mail I've been getting from your fans Sal. It's taking a toll on not only my mental health but my physical health aswell - I - " You were cut off by Sal pressing his lips to yours in a passionate kiss.
"I am so so sorry babe! I can't believe it's gotten to this and I've done nothing about it! - I'll make sure it all stops, I promise! I love you." He said as he hugged you tenderly. Sal kept his word, and pretty soon your hate mail had turned to apologies and well wishes.

Q - You were going out with the girls tonight, knowing full well you were giving Q a taste of his own medicine. If Q could do it, why couldn't you?
"Are you sure this is going to work?" Your friend asked.
"If he doesn't get worried about me, like I do for him, then it shows me, quite clearly, that he doesn't care about me like I thought he did." You replied as you and your friend grabbed your bags and walked out the front door to go and meet up with your girlfriends.
A few hours later, you quietly walked into your house. Not wanting to wake Q if he was asleep. You walked into the living room and saw Q sat on the sofa, with his head in his hands.
"What are you doing walking in at this time?" Q said as he quickly stood up once he realised you were home.
"I was out with the girls - you shouldn't have waited up." You said as you put your bag down.
"That was rather selfish of you Y/N. You had me worried sick! Who knows what could have happened to you?" He said desperately.
"I'm an adult, I can take care of myself -" You answered him, Q stayed silent for a few minutes as you looked at him.
"Is that what all this is about, me not answering your calls? Doll, it really wasn't that serious."
"No Q it was serious to me. Do you even realise how much I love you? When I haven't heard from you I get scared! You're my entire world and sometimes you don't take my feelings into consideration. I love you so much and every time you don't answer your phone, so many thoughts run through my head -" Q grabbed your hands and pulled you towards him.
"I'm so sorry doll. I love you so much and I never should have ignored your feelings. You're my world." He said before kissing you tenderly.

Joe - You heard Joe stop behind you as you finished washing the plates in the sink.
"Let me help Y/N -" He said as he began to dry.
"Thanks." You said without looking at him.
"- Sweetheart I'm so sorry. You're right, you're always right - We're not ready for them big steps yet - more importantly, you're not ready for them, and I need to take that into consideration. I love you, and I do want to marry you and expand our family - But, we'll wait until you're ready -" Joe said.
"It's okay Joe really, I want all of that with you too - I love you so much." You said with a smile, Joe wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed you gently on the neck.
"We can still practice for a baby though, right?" Joe said with a smirk, you elbowed him playfully before you led him upstairs.

Murr - Murr walked into the bedroom.
"Hey darling -" He began but stopped when he saw your red eyes and tear stained cheeks.
"Y/N what's wrong?!" He asked worriedly.
"Do you not remember what today is?" You asked, Murr just looked at you with confusion.
"James, today was our anniversary. I was waiting like an idiot outside the restaurant for you and you didn't turn up. You stood me up and made me look like a fool." You said in a huff, you could feel a hint of anger creeping back up.
"Oh shit! I'm so so sorry Y/N." He said sadly. "It won't happen again, I promise! We had an emergency meeting with the producers at work." He said as he tilted your chin to make you look at him. "Do you forgive me darling?" He asked, you thought for a minute before nodding your head and saying.
"Yes I forgive you." You said, he sighed in relief.
"I love you so much." He said before kissing you all over your face, making you giggle.

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