He Makes You Cry

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Sal - You couldn't help but sigh, as you received another bit of hate from one of Sal's 'maniac' fans. You had told Sal about a few other messages and tweets but he didn't seem to think much of it.
"Ignore them Y/N. They'll soon get bored and stop."
They hadn't. This was going on the twelfth time in just two days, that you had received a hateful message, you had ones that read:
'Just break up with Sal, you're no good for him!' and 'You don't deserve Sal!'
Some were too awful for you to even comprehend how someone could say that to another person.
You couldn't stop the tears that were running down your cheeks, you loved Sal more than anything, but you wished he would be more considerate towards your feelings when receiving these messages. You threw your phone on the sofa and cried.

Q - "Where were you Brian?" You asked.
"Out with the guys." He replied casually.
"Don't you think you should have called me back or at least sent me a text?" You asked him.
"Didn't know I was obliged to." He said as he rolled his eyes.
"I was worried sick about you Brian. I just wanted to know that you were okay." You spoke gently.
"I'm an adult Y/N, I can handle myself." He said with an edge of annoyance.
"That's not the point -"
"I don't care what the point is -"
"Of course you don't! You don't seem to care about anything any more! -" You said before making your way upstairs.
You slammed the bathroom door shut and slid to the floor, your face in your hands as you cried.

Joe - You and Joe were having an argument about when you would get married and have kids.
Joe was ready to settle down again, and start a family with you, he wanted to give Milana and Remo a younger brother or sister.
However, you weren't ready for any of that just yet. You loved Joe, and you couldn't wait to spend the rest of your life with him and the kids, and potentially any of your own, but you were both still very busy with your work and you didn't think it was a good time to start making big, life changing decisions.
"Is it really that wrong of me to want a future with you Y/N!?" He shouted.
"I'm not saying that Joe! For once, you're not listening to me! I love you so much, and I want to marry you and have our own baby together - But we're both so busy! We just won't have time, especially not to plan a wedding or raise a baby!" You shouted back.
He just stared at you whilst shaking his head, you could tell he was disappointed.
"- Joe this isn't the first time we've talked about this - I'm sorry Joe but you're not the one who has to make sure everything is planned out perfectly for a wedding! You're not the one that has to carry a baby for nine months and then give birth!" You said, Joe didn't react, he just turned his back on you with his hands on his hips.
You quickly walked past him with tears rolling down your cheeks.

Murr - You pulled your jacket tighter around yourself as you waited outside the restaurant for Murr. You were supposed to be celebrating your anniversary, but Murr still hadn't shown up.
After 20 more minutes of waiting, you made your way home. At first you were furious but as you continued your walk home, you tried to stop yourself from crying. As soon as you walked into the empty house, you began to sob heavily. You had decided to confront Murr about it when he got home.

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