Chapter 19.5: The Lost Boy Invasion

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"Miss Bell, do you grasp the extent of your boy and his companions' actions to save you?" Kael Montoya's voice reverberated around the walls of the vast cavern. His words lingered, laden with unspoken implications.

Clad in his battle-worn armour, Kael moved with an agile, restless energy through the sacred space. His wings fluttered softly, their gentle rustle blending with the clank of his armour—a jarring contrast to the reverential stillness that enveloped the surroundings. Flickering shadows danced across his face, casting highlights on the lines of fatigue and determination that marked his weathered features.

"They did what they had to, Kael. Nothing more sinister than your own past, I'm sure," she replied, her voice tinged with unease as she contemplated the potential consequences of their actions.

"Why should I be surprised that you don't care for your own kind?" he shot back, bitterness lacing his words.

Tink's eyes blazed with anger, and she retorted, "Don't you dare lecture me about caring for kin, you traitor." Her voice crackled with emotion as she confronted the sprite warrior, unearthing a deep-seated grudge. "My mother told me everything about the revolution."

Kael's expression hardened, and he squared his shoulders. "Then she must have told you it was I who secured victory for the Kingdom against Thom and Puck," he retorted, a touch of pride in his voice.

Tink scoffed, her lips curling disdainfully. "Oh, yes, she did mention that, among other things," she said, dripping sarcasm. "Peter, end this guy so we can go home."

She turned to Peter, who stood motionless, lost in contemplation of their predicament. "I can't, Tink," Peter confessed, his voice laden with hesitation.

Tink's frustration surged, and she muttered in exasperation, "Oh, not this again," her words barely audible. She regarded Peter with a mixture of annoyance and disbelief. "This guy isn't your father, Peter. He merely taught you how to wield a sword. That's all!"

She anticipated a response from Peter, a decisive action, but he remained rooted to the spot, seemingly paralyzed by internal conflict. Tink scoffed once more, her annoyance evident. "Fine, I'll take care of it myself," she declared, determination resounding in her voice.

She reached down towards the mystical pool, her hand hovering above the shimmering surface, ready to replenish her diminished dust.

But before she could take a sip, Kael Montoya darted towards her with the speed of lightning. With a swift and powerful strike, he swatted Tink out of the air, sending her tumbling toward the wall, and she landed on the ground with a resounding thud. Dazed and disoriented, her wings fluttered weakly as she struggled to regain her bearings.

Sidewing, who had observed in silence until now, could no longer contain his fury. With a sharp cry, he launched into the air, soaring straight at the knight sprite with his sword unsheathed.

"Sidewing, no!" Peter urgently called out, but it was too late to stop him.

In mid-air, Sidewing and the Montoya engaged in a breathtaking aerial sword fight, their blades slicing and dicing with a blur of motion. Despite his relatively short time in Neverland, Sidewing fought with a frightening mercilessness, his raw skill and finesse shining through in every deliberate movement and vicious strike. The clash of steel and the rush of adrenaline permeated the air as Sidewing and Kael weaved and dodged, each vying for the upper hand in a gravity-defying duel.

The clash of swords between the sprite and the flying Lost boy unfolded in a spectacle of breathtaking proportions. Sidewing was taken aback by the surprising strength in the Kael's swings, reminiscent of facing a fully grown man. Their blades collided in a symphony of metallic clangs and clatters, sparks flying through the air. Sidewing's black blade, devoid of reflection, stood in stark contrast to Kael's, shimmering softly in the ambient light, adding to the mesmerizing display.

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