Chapter 18: The Meet Cute

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James Jones found himself alone on the island after Lady Bell departed for the mountain. The passing of time had become a blur, but it felt like an eternity. With the guidance and teachings of Queen Bell, James accomplished remarkable feats in creating tools out of thin air. Now, he decided it was time to create a home for himself, a place where he could feel safe and at ease. Armed with nothing but his bare hands, a worn hatchet, and a rusty hammer, he set out to build his sanctuary.

Hours turned into a tireless haze as James hacked away at small trees, cutting, and chopping to craft the walls. Despite his initial doubts, the puny hatchet proved resilient, standing up to the demanding workload. With the old carpenter's hammer, he forcefully pounded crude, ancient-looking square nails into the trunks, forming a wide triangle with an opening at the point. James poured every ounce of effort into constructing a formidable and comfortable little shack—a place he could truly call home.

Finally, after many painstaking hours, James stepped back to admire his creation. He had fashioned something extraordinary—a sturdy shelter built from solid trunks, palm leaves, and vines—a quiet place that could shield him from the elements. A surge of accomplishment and pride washed over him as he surveyed his humble abode. It may have been small and simple, but it provided him with a safe haven amidst the untamed and mysterious Neverland.

"Genius!" James exclaimed, unable to contain his enthusiasm. He paced backward, his mind ablaze with excitement at his architectural triumph. However, lost in his exuberance, he failed to notice the log he typically used to sit by the campfire, tripping over it and tumbling to the ground. Pebbles scattered with a clatter as he collided with the rocky beach.

As he sat up, James found himself cursing the stony shore. "Blast this devilish beach to hell!" he grumbled, slamming his fist down and sending more round stones skittering about.

His complaints were abruptly silenced by a piercing shriek. Shrill and desperate, it echoed across the island, causing James to snap to attention. He was astonished to witness a muscular and athletic-looking man frantically emerge from the woods and into his cove.

Dr. Jones leapt to his feet, his eyes darting between the stranger and the treeline behind him. His fingers clenched around the rough handle of the hatchet, ready to defend himself against any potential threat. The stranger seemed to sense the fear etched on James's face and raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.

But James wasn't taking any chances. He stepped forward, raising the hatchet high above his head. "Stay back," he warned, the mixture of fear and anger dominating his tone.

The stranger froze, his gaze locked onto the gleaming hatchet. He cautiously took a step forward, hands still raised. "I mean you no harm," he said, his voice trembling.

James hesitated, loosening his grip on the hatchet slightly as he observed the man stumbling across the rocks toward him, gasping for air. Though wary, he kept his guard up. "Are you mad?" James demanded, keeping the hatchet raised just in case.

The man shook his head, attempting to catch his breath before replying, "No. There's something... It's chasing me." He pointed back toward the forest, then bent over with his hands on his knees.

As James followed the man's outstretched finger, his gaze fell upon a figure emerging from the shadows of the forest. At first glance, he mistook it for a monstrous creature, but as it drew nearer, he realized it was a man wearing a grotesque mask that concealed his entire face. The mask was terrifying, adorned with jagged teeth, sunken eyes, and a momo smile that stretched across its surface. Clad in nothing else, the masked man stood at the forest's edge, motionless, fixating his eerie gape upon them. Though James couldn't see the man's eyes behind the mask, he felt their spectral stare piercing through him.

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