(this does not have a name, bc idk)

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MPREG!! I know it can't happen, IRL, but this is fiction.
Don't doen die lees as jy nie daarvan hou nie😁🫠

Louis' POV:

I wake up in the middle of the night, needing to take a pee. I carefully get out of mine and Harry's bed to go into the ensuit bathroom. I sit down on the toilet, feeling too tired to stand up. I hold my 5-month bump as I peed, nearly falling asleep.

"You hungry, Bubba?" I ask, rubbing circles over my belly. "I'm hungry... I want some ice cream and toast." I whisper to my bump as if the pup inside can hear me. Maybe they can. I kiss my fingers, patting them on my belly.

I clean up and flush the toilet before leaving the bathroom. I look at Harry, still sound asleep on the bed. He snores lightly, head squashed into a pillow. I sneak out of the room, being quiet so I don't wake my alpha. He doesn't like it when I leave the room alone since I've pregnant, but I don't want to bother him with having to get me food in the middle of the night. Though he says it doesn't bother him, I see his tired and rather annoyed expression whenever I wake him up. In my defense, he wants me to wake him rather than to go alone.

When I get to the kitchen, I take two slices of bread and pop them in the toaster. I get the vanilla ice cream from the big freezer and a spoon. I start eating spoonfuls of ice scream as I wait for my toast to finish. The kitchen is huge. Seeing as Harry's father is the alpha of the Styles pack. They live in a litteral mansion. The whole place is huge. They have cleaners and cooks and servers. I don't like it that half of them are omegas, especially now that I am pregnant, it doesn't sit right with me. Or the baby.

The bread springs out of the toaster, startling me. I quickly get to work on smearing butter on both my toasts and adding a spoonful of ice cream on top. I sit down on the counter, eating my ice cream toast in silence. I feel little flutters in my tummy. Mine Harry's pup started moving a little a few weeks back.

"You like that? I know I do." I smile down at my belly, rubbing over it with my free hand.

I startle when suddenly a fuming figure storms into the kitchen. Harry.

"Louis." He says sternly. "You know I don't like you leaving the room without me at night." He whines, coming over to me. He inspects me for any injuries, lifting my arms and checking each individual finger. He holds my face, looking at each side and my neck. He lifts my hoodie to check my belly, giving a few gentle kisses. "You're ok, yeah?" He asks me. I simply hum but get a pointed look from my alpha.

"Yes, we were just hungry." I say, lifting my toast into his line of sight. He grabs it from my hand and takes a bite. "Hey, no. That's mine." I whine. He doesn't chew it. He just takes it out of his mouth to press it to my lips. I sigh but open my mouth to allow him to put it in, half the ice cream already melted off.

"This is not proper food, Omega." He scolds lightly, taking another bite to take out of his mouth and put it in mine.

"But me and Peanut were craving it, Alpha..."

"Yeah, but you and Peanut need to eat healthy, Omega, you know this." He whines, nuzzling his face into my neck. He wraps his arms around me, holding me tightly.

"Give us our food, Alpha." He pulls back, making me whine softly. He takes another bite of my ice cream toast, repeating his process of checking if my food was good enough to eat. Alpha instincts, I guess.

His breathing quickens as he becomes whiny and touchy. He always wants to have sex after he has a minor stress about my whereabouts or my safety. His wolf usually takes over in these moments. I just allow him to do as he pleases. I can't really complain, though. He starts to fuss with the string of my sweatpants, getting impatient as he tugs roughly on it. I take my second toast, bringing it to my mouth as he continues struggling to undo the bow I tied.

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