can't stop thinking of you

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Hope you have a wonderful day wherever you are in the world

Harry's POV:

"You're staring, H." Niall tells me, taking a big bite of his sandwich.

"I know, I know..." I take a bite of my own sandwich. "I can't stop thinking about him, though."

"So, you hooked up with the biggest fuckin' nerd in our grade and now you're hooked? What'd he do? Put some sort of potion up his ass?" Niall snorts a laugh.

"No, Niall. He's just so different whe-"

"When he's being fucked? Yeah, I'd hope so. Imagine he starts reciting his biology work while you're up in there." This time the Irish lad cackles at his own joke.

"No, stop that. I don't make fun of you for your questionable hookups. Like that girl with the braces. Looked like you put your shlong through a food processor. But i don't say shit about that." This makes Niall's expression fall.

"Ok, sorry." He mumbles, nibbling at his sandwich.

"He's cute though, really. He's like muscled too, but he has a small tummy. And thighs." I fake a moan, leaning back in my chair. "Fuck his thighs... Mh! And his ass is great."

"Ok, yes, even I find his ass great. Shit." Niall examines his sandwich, calculating where to bite into it next before he looks at me. "Is he as quiet in bed as he is at school?"

"No, he's... how I like it." I say, shooting a glance at Louis. "He's so shy, though. But he's beautiful, I don't get it." I keep staring at him until he looks up, meeting my eyes. "Shit." I whisper, looking down at the table.

I see in the corner of my eye how Louis gets up. Part of me hopes he'd come over and talk to me, but of course, he walks right past me and out of the cafeteria. We hooked up at a party the previous weekend. It's currently Wednesday. When we woke up in Liam's spare room the next morning, he very quickly got dressed and left without a word. He ignored every word that left my mouth and every question i asked and just left.

I remember his beautiful, soft skin, his blue eyes, those lips, so soft and sweet. His voice and those pretty sounds he made. I've hooked up with people more times than I'd like to admit, but something about Louis was just... different. It felt so right. Everything just fell into place.

I want to get to know him. And hold his soft, fine hands. I want to kiss his lips so everyone can see. I want to take him on cute little dates, and I wouldn't mind him meeting my mum.

After football practice, I am the last to leave the locker room. I walk over to my locker to get a few books for homework when I bump into someone. Louis. I gulp.

"H-hi, Louis." I stutter, his blue eyes drilling holes through my head.

"You remember my name?" He frowns, looking almost confused.

"I knew your name before we... stuff happened." I tell him with a small smile.

"Charming." He fake smiles and rolls his eyes.

"I'm serious. You sit like two seats away from me in English, and you're in my PE class." His eyes narrow, his lips forming a thin line.

"Oh wow, you notice me!?" He puts a hand over his chest, mocking shock. "Fuck, how fucking important that makes me feel." He snaps at me.

"What did I do to you?" I ask, feeling small. Everyone likes me. Everyone. Ok, except my math teacher, but he's the only other exception. I don't get it. Sure, we hooked up, and maybe he regrets that, but does he have to be this way?

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