Chapter 14

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She felt herself spiraling and her mind wanting to slip but she just couldn't! That side of her won't ever come out again. She will make sure of it. Trying to ground herself she clicked on a contact and waited as the dial tone played in her ear. "Hello there Little Bird, how are you this evening?" Uncle asked in a suspicious voice.

"Come pick up your strays, Uncle. Before the dognapper comes and does the job. I'm not playing," Elizabeth warned yet she was met with a sarcastic laugh.

"Yeah, that will be a no on my part. I might have been able to help you earlier but I received a text message about your actions tonight and I must say I am very disappointed. Even if you are upset you shouldn't act that way. Now I believe you have an entourage waiting for your debut and for an apology," Uncle said sternly.

"You know what. Fuck this, I don't know why I fucking bothered calling you. Of course, you would take their side. Not that it fucking matters I have 14 men in my house trying to control me when I don't fucking know them. Some stranger that gave me a moment of peace to actually take my side..... lose this fucking number. Better yet I will do you the honors and lose it myself!" She ranted.

"Wait! Elizabeth!" Uncle yelled into the phone but couldn't say another word before she hung up and tossed it across her room. She had no idea where it went but who cares right?

Not like anyone truly cares about her but herself. It's always like that and it will always be like that. She'll just wait out till they leave and if they don't she will just inform security or go with her threat and call the cops. Either way, they will be long gone and she can then decide where to go from here. Obviously, she can't stay in this town with the stalker squad lurking.

Looking at her bed, tears started to drip down her face. "Oh, Mr. Bonfolio....what's Iz spose to doos?" she questioned without realizing she had slipped a little. She launched herself to her bed and snuggled up with the only prized possession she received from her father when he took her to a carnival.

 She launched herself to her bed and snuggled up with the only prized possession she received from her father when he took her to a carnival

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She pulled up her black comforter with lightning streaks on it and covered them both up over their heads. "We be saves heres," she whispered, although her voice cracked. "Iz stwong Bonfowios? Yous da stwongess dwagun in all kindoms." She was quiet for a bit besides the occasional sniffle as she tried her hardest not to cry. "Iz no cwy baby. Iz bigz girlz. Ondees babyz cwys," she said with a hiccup before she silently cried into Mr. Bonfolio's chest.

Meanwhile, downstairs, there was a heated discussion going on.

"What do you fucking mean not to fucking go up there and teach her it is not okay to break her stuff when she's pissed?" Gabe growled out as he looked at Owen.

"Exactly as I stated, Mr. Coleman. I don't believe it is wise to instigate her any further," Owen concluded as he looked at the mess and Raven who was being seen by Dr. Green though it wasn't serious.

"I think Mr. B is right. We don't know her boundaries and we may have crossed a line she wasn't ready to be crossed. Brats who act like this, usually don't know how to safely express themselves. They more than likely have had to suppress their true feelings and now that there isn't anyone stopping her, they surge through her in a tremendous amount. Stomping the floor with her foot, knocking her drink over, she tossed the remote onto the tables or couch cushions. These are all healthy ways she can express her anger. Though it isn't what we would like, it would be far better than where she is now. That is a girl completely helpless yet after so long of being alone, I'm sure she is terrified of letting anyone near her," Silas concluded as he looked over his brothers.

"I tried getting you all to see that tonight might not have been the best night to start all this. That is why I tried bribing her with candy. I may have an obsession with candy and do treat Littles to extra treats but I know the limit. I'm an Alpha Brat Tamer too. I'm not some inexperienced clown. I could tell her walls are like a fortress and it is going to take a lot for us to break through them," Luke solemnly answered. He felt betrayed by his brothers on his judgment call.

Suddenly all the men got zapped by their phones. They saw it was Uncle redlining them. "Uncle, What's the matter?" Luke questioned after putting it on speaker as fear went down his spine if his mission had gone south.

"There is nothing wrong with me. Right now I want to know what the fuck is going on. One moment I received a text from North about how Elizabeth was acting. She moments later calls me asking me to take my strays home. I help back you up and it goes completely fucking south. Here I had Bradley record it." They listened to the call and their hearts broke at what she said at the end. "You boys better fix whatever the fuck you did! That girl does need care but barging into her home and just expecting her to fall in line isn't gonna cut it this time, Boys. I hate to say it but I'm very disappointed in you right now, I expected better from you."

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