Chapter 4: Embarassed

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After school l went to the cafe as my shift is at 6 today. "Good Evening Mrs Martha"l said as l walked in the kitchen tying my apron.

"Good evening dear, you came right on time, Samantha left five minutes ago and there is a big order from table 4."she said giving me tray of food for the people who ordered. The table was at the window so l went there.

After placing the food at the table l was stunned at how handsome the men at the table were, especially the one with long maroon hair that was the same colour as his eyes, had white skin as snow, a perfect face, a straight nose and cherry lips, maybe in his twenties. He was the most handsome man at the table.

I stood there frozen lost in his eyes until he cleared his throat that's when l snapped out of it only to ask the weirdest question.

"excuse me sir, are you human?" l said which made all of them laugh at what l said. Well not to be biased but most supernatural species are way more handsome and beautiful compared to humans so don't don't blame me for asking.

"no am an alien, of course I am human what makes you think am not."he said and looked straight into my eyes, l stopped breathing there for a second before he averted his eyes.

"but your handsomeness is not normal" l thought and before l turned to leave they all burst into laughter which made me confused before l realized 'Oh no l said that out loud'

"I am sorry" l said and left feeling embarassed.

" Emmy there is two more trays you need to serve to them."Mrs Martha said when l entered the kitchen. I sighed and picked up the two trays of burgers and left. They sure do eat a lot, they ordered ten burgers and chips when they are only five of them.

'Says the person who can eat a whole buffalo alone.'Emmy said

"Hey it's not my fault it's because of you guys that l have to eat for three people" l said the truth it's because of them l have to eat a lot.

"Umm we didn't say anything about you eating." the guy with brown hair said with a raised brow.

Oh come on, did l say that loud again. " It was not meant for you guys"l said chuckling nervously.

"but we're the only ones infront of you so who was it meant for then?" he said looking behind me as if looking for someone

"Nevermind what you heard, here is your order." I said and immediately turned to leave before the maroon haired guy asked

"what's your name?"

Why does he need to know my name now.l thought before answering

"Emerald. Is there anything you need? I said impatient to leave.

"Nothing just curious, by the way your eyes are very beautiful just like your name." he said which made my face heat up.

"Thank you" l said smiling a smile that revealed my dimples, l know my chicks were now red. I left and went to kitchen. When l saw that no one was inside l closed the door a little bit and left a little space for me to peek.

I peeked at those guys table who seemed to be having fun laughing and eating. I was looking at that guy with maroon eyes when he suddenly turned and looked straight into my eyes.

I closed the door with a loud bang, a aloud scream escaped my mouth as l smashed four of my fingers when l slammed the door.

"Emerald, what happened?" Mrs Martha came running to me with a worried face. I just stood there breathing heavily, am sure my fingers look like those of Tom when they get slammed by the door.

I don't know what am feeling right now coz my heart is pounding so hard, l am fuming with anger and the pain is circulating for my fingers to my whole body. The anger was for that guy for making me hurt my precious fingers.

"are you ok dear?"

"M...y....fin...gers.." those were the only words that come out of my mouth.

"I will go and get you some ice." She said and went to the fridge. I know l will probably heal soon but l can't deny that it was painful.

I sat at the chair in the kitchen and Mr Martha gave me the ice. " You have to be careful dear, we don't want anyone loosing fingers."she said and left.

I was left with me and my thoughts. I was startled when a deep voice spoke from the door. "Are you okay? l heard you screaming so l thought l should see if you're alright but it seems you're not." The maroon haired guy said coming forward. Oh his voice is beautiful.

"I'm fine, by the way what is your name?" I said feeling better because my fingers healed quickly.

"I'm Ethan, what happened to you that made you scream so loud?" he asked looking for answers. How can l tell him that l slammed my fingers against the door because of him, well it wasn't truely him but l need someone to blame.

"I just accidentally hurt myself with the door and don't mind me l am fine now, the kitchen is not aloud so you can go and thank you for asking." I said and stood up and began to take the trays that needed to be served.

"Okay bye" he said smiling. Oh that smile will be the death of me. I shook my head to stop these weird thoughts inside my head.

"Bye" l said smiling back and he left.

'What a nice guy.'Emma said out of the blue. We just ignored her and continued working.

We closed at eight and l went home. I went to bed early as usual.

Waking up to the sweet sound of by my favourite birds singing and the railing of my balcony, l went and did my morning routine.

I wore an oversized black top and black cargo shorts, with matching black snickers and a black cap. You guys might guys might be wondering why all black but it's because well l love being tomboy sometimes and black just does the whole thing. Relax am not going to rob the bank in black.

I just added smokey eye makeup and lip gloss. Satisfied with the way l dress l went down and this time I used the elevator down. Today me and the girls are doing shopping for the dance. I went all the way to the road walking because l decided to let hunter rest for the day.

"hi guys, seems like you came earlier than expected." I said walking up to the car were Rachel and Rose were waiting for me outside.

"It seems like everyone wanted to look tomboy today while l thought I was the only one."

"nice choice though." I said sitting in the car.

Well Rose is wearing an oversized pink Tshirt and black cargo pants, with pink eye shadows and black lipstick and a pony tail while Rachel was wearing a black crop top and orange cargo shorts. It seems like we all like cargo pants.


That's was embarrassing 😭

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Love y'all readers 💞

AverySJM 💞


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