Chapter 2: The Mix Up

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"What the fuck was that just now Flynn?" My older brother Kai exclaimed the moment I sat down, his eyebrows raised in mock disbelief.

I turned towards him, rolling my eyes so dramatically I thought they might actually get stuck. Kai had this uncanny ability to inject himself into any situation, whether warranted or not. It was like he had a nosiness radar constantly tuned in to my frequency.

"That boy in the aisle just now, he was an omega," I replied, flopping my arms around while letting out an exaggerated sigh. As much as I wanted to grin like a goofball at my luck, the thought of never seeing Ben had consumed my mind. Sure we'd be on the same island, but it was highly unlikely that we'd meet again. Ben, with his ocean-blue eyes and an aura of nervousness that somehow made him even more endearing, had me questioning whether or not I was actually stupid. I should've at least asked for his snap. It would've made things lot easier when trying to get in contact with him again.

"Your gay is showing," Kai muttered under his breath, his lips twitching with suppressed amusement. I shot him a playful glare, quickly retaliating with a well-aimed middle finger. Sure, coming to terms with my sexuality was a recent development in my young life, but Kai's teasing was normal. I had come to expect it the moment I realized that taking him serious would end up in him simply laughing at you.

"Bro, he was so hot," I declared with a dramatic sigh, earning a skeptical side-eye from Kai as he momentarily tore his attention away from his phone. Suddenly, his expression turned serious, a reminder of the conversation we had with our father who was just a few rows away.

"It's good that you're excited, but you know how Dad feels," Kai cautioned, his tone filled with apprehension. The thought of our father's reaction to me even considering perusing a boy did scare me a little. It could possibly ruin our entire vacation. However, I wasn't going to let him stop me from simping over a cute guy.

"You don't have to explain it to me. I've been lectured enough," I grumbled, the memory of countless fights on fitting into his little mold still fresh in my mind. My dad's expectations for the perfect son—athletic, straight, and bound for a future of basketball scholarships and high school sweethearts—were about as realistic as me suddenly developing a passion for crochet. Despite my talent on the court, basketball was never my calling. No, my heart was always set on creating music.

Kai's sigh was heavy with concern as he leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a hushed tone. "Just... try to keep it under wraps, Flynn. Dad's already on edge about everything, and the last thing we need is to set him off."

I met his gaze, suddenly feeling the need to scream. The thought of suppressing who I was felt like a slap in the face, but Kai was right. I could at least hide it until we were back home. The divorce still wasn't final. I partially blamed myself for my parent's sudden split. My mother fully supported me while my father tried to hide it more than I did. I guess I was too naive to think they didn't argue about me.

"I know, I know," I muttered, a bitter taste lingering on my tongue. It wasn't fair, but I at least owed Kai the last bit of peaceful family time we'd get. This was possibly the last time us and our parents would be together.

Kai's expression softened, a silent understanding passing between us. Despite him wanting me to keep things civil, he did care about how it made me feel. He wasn't a complete asshole.


As the plane's wheels kissed the runway, my heart raced with a mix of excitement and nerves. Bora Bora—the dream destination I had been longing for—was finally within reach. Unbuckling my seatbelt, I couldn't contain how jittery I felt. My mind was racing with thoughts of what awaited us on this paradise island. Food, sun, boys—lots of shirtless boys. Possibly a Flynn sighting if I was lucky. I'd much rather admire him from a far then be disappointed by the fact that he was definitely straight. Despite my sister's protest, I was convinced the Flynn was only friendly to me because he saw how pitiful I was.

Letters by the Ocean (Book 1): The Beginning Where stories live. Discover now