My Wings (Levi x Reader)

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...Ability to use gas cautiously is a big part in which should be in mind at all times while 3-Dimensional maneuver gear is in use... 

My hand shakes as the tip of the quill carefully goes across the parchment, reaching for the cup of tea on the mahogany desk that doesn't have one speck of dust on it.

 ...Consuming blades is important when it comes to long term expeditions...

 The hot glass feels good against my lips, waking me up a bit more. Trainee work has been getting more and more stressful over the couple past weeks. Do this, do that, write all of this, the stupid Commanders demand. I look at the grand clock across the room and its hands are pointing to 1:37am and I'm not even halfway done with my work. 

 I peer down at the shiny wood and reflects back a girl with (h/c) hair and (e/c) orbs. She smiles back with slight circles under her eyes from lack of sleep. Me and my reflection write the hours away.

 The door to the spotless office opens and a short man with jet black hair walks in, going up to the desk in front of me. I look up at him and meet those all so familiar steel black eyes who's belong to the one and only Levi Ackerman. I smile tiredly at him, "Finally decided to come back?"

 Levi chuckles lowly, "I'm sorry...I got held back by Shitty Glasses. Going over for the plans for tomorrow."

 My eyes fall down to the desk, staring at the reflection in silence, remembering what was going to happen tomorrow and slight tears forming in my (e/c) eyes. "D...Do you have to go? I-I mean... It's a death sentence going out there with only a few of you guys." 

 He's at my side on his knees in an instant, "There's 10 of us. We'll be fine, we just have to examine the forest more just for a couple of days. We've packed food on the horses."

 I drop my quill on the desk, the ink getting on the wood, not caring if it gets it dirty and clenches my fists, "But... " I feel the tears release and go down my cheeks, "What if you don't come back. What if something happens and-"

 A pair of thin warm yet cold lips go against mine, ceasing me from talking. Levi pulls away, his forehead resting against mine, making me look at him. "(f/n), nothing is going to happen. I'm going to be fine. Besides, I can't die yet, I'm too old to die." 

 A smile spreads across my face at his comment, "Yeah. You are." I hug him tightly and I feel his strong arms pick me up, carrying me out of the lit office and into the shadows of a dark room. "Levi, I can't. I haven't finished my work-"

 "I'll talk to the commanders tomorrow and let them not to give you a shitty time. I need this right now..." I look around and we're in his room, he sets me on the soft blankets on his bed and I can't see anything from the pitch black darkness. The skid of a match hits, lighting a candle and it's light fills part of the room with a warm glow.

 I watch as the older man lays down on the bed next to me, his arm around me once again and pulling me to his chest. Looking up at him, I find he's already staring back at me, the light from the candle reflecting off his eyes, "You're beautiful, (f/n). I'm never leaving you, please remember that." Levi's hand is on my face, stroking my cheek with his thumb. 

 My face turns a light shade of red and I lean my forehead against his, savoring the lovely feeling, "I love you Levi." I kiss him again, feeling warm and safe in his arms. All I want to do is stay here, forever and not leave, ignore Hanji's knocking on the door and sleep with the love of my life. 

 He pulls away and kisses my forehead. God I love these. They make me just want to melt. I slowly close my eyes and feel his breath whisper against my ear, "I love you too. So much. It's crazy how much I love you, (f/n)." I smile as he rests his chin on my head, holding me close to him. I love Levi. I feel like I'm in the closest possible thing to Nirvana. 

Sleep slowly creeps over me, a smile on my face as I fall into the darkness of sleep, feeling happy to be with a man who cares about me so much...


 Cool wind blows my hair from my face as a stand in the grass, staring down, a flower in my right hand, a green cloak in my left. Tears go down my face as I stand there, remembering the past, the sacred memories.

 My hands shake slightly, tears going to my mouth and I bend down, setting the rose in front of the piece of stone with words etched into it. 

 Levi Ackerman 

 December 25th - November 15th. 

 Here lies a strong man, known as a hero to many people, a man who put his life on the line in order to take a step forward for Humanity. A man who made choices with no regrets.

 10 people went out on that information search. 2 people came back. Hanji Zoe and Erwin Smith, both whom gathered items from the fallen and suffering from injuries. I waited at the gates, seeing only two horses come back with bodies in the carriage, feeling my heart crumple to pieces. Hanji held a green cloak to me.

 I look down at the green cloak in my hands and turn it over, the Wings of Freedom face me. A crying noise escapes me as I hug the cloak, trying to feel warmth. I slowly put the cloak on me, dropping to my knees in front of the grave, my ocean of tears falls onto the grass where Levi Ackerman buried.

 I finally dry of tears and shakily stand up, wings on my back, eyes shining and looking at the stone.

 My name is (f/n) (l/n). I love Levi Ackerman. He's the love of my life. Levi has made me happy. Levi has made me strong. Levi has made me brave and not to look back. Levi has made me feel loved. Levi has made me feel special. He may be gone, but I don't believe that. He's made me him. He's prepared me. He prepared me to cope with situations I never thought I would have to face. I love him more than anything. He is my Wings of Freedom. 

 "Never Leave me." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2015 ⏰

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