Chapter 8: Deception

Start from the beginning

The elevator droned as it ascended to the upper levels of the building, to reach the pinnacle of its height. "5554 has all sorts of technology, right? Can't he easily find out names that start and end with the letter 'J' in them?" 9637 put one hand to his chin. "To find a singular person in an entire city is harder than it seems. On top of this, I'm positive this fella covers his tracks quite well." 1125 huffed in defeat. "I guess you're right. Going to find him manually is probably a huge problem." 9637 nodded, agreeing with her notion. The elevator doors parted, opening up to the hallway before them. The two ventured down, 9637 unlocking the door to his office. The sun was setting over the horizon, making for an almost blinding light to fill the room.

1125 squinted. "This doesn't bother you? I would at least have some sunglasses." 9637 chuckled. "I enjoy the sunlight. Besides, I have no need to focus on the sun, but my research." 1125 looked around 9637's room in wonder. She had been in his office a few times, but she never really looked at it. It was really the perfect place for a couple of overworked scientists to chill with each other. But that wasn't what she was invested in. Her eyes trailed over to 9637's desk, where he keeps all of his work. 9637 behind his desk, going to take a seat in the rolling chair. "Please, have a seat anywhere you like. I have plenty of couches and sofas, as you can see." 1125 would glance, before taking a seat in one of the closer sofas, that faced 9637's desk.

9637 laced his fingers, smiling lightly at his co-worker. "It is good to have you back 1125." She returned his pale smile with a sweet one of her own. "Thank you, 9637. But I meant to ask you again...what's with that look of yours?" She then waved her hand nervously. "Not that I don't like it but...I guess it just perturbed me a little." 9637 chuckled. "It's alright to think that way. The unnatural, is the unnatural. I happen to be a part of it. But to tell you the truth, this is my true appearance, and the human one was just necessary for more...normalization." 1125 could understand that notion. People often judge based on appearance, and it's more common than what people think.

"So how exactly have you been getting intel on this group...?" 1125 asked him. 9637 tapped a button under his desk, and a whirring sound came from the back of the room. A dark silver drone with a purple light flew over and landed on the desk. "5554 built several contraptions used for scouting the county. With chrome, we have perfected types of camouflage and tracking methods. The only problem is who to use it on. But for now, we've been attuning the chrome to try and locate someone who is shaped similarly in body structure to the individual we saw on the screen, and based on what 5554 and 1245 saw in the caverns. However, we came up empty." 1125 put a hand on her chin. 9637 was as spectacular as usual. While 5554 made the drones designs and functions, 9637 was the reason the chrome is actually working. It was eerily similar to how JJ could manipulate chrome. Though, she saw him use it in more lethal ways. She wondered how smart the two really were. They seemed infallible at using the material.

"Have you ever tried searching by foot?" 1125 inquired. "Redundancy." 9637 replied with. "Abstract County is massive, and they could be just about anywhere. Even in a neighboring city. The drones are the best way of obtaining information." She couldn't disagree with that notion. If only 9637 really knew what was going on, she thought. "Albeit, with that being said...I have a question for you." He spoke. 1125 raised an eyebrow in wonder. "Earlier, when I was talking about this mysterious figure, you mentioned them being a male. But prior, I never revealed the gender identity of them." He leaned forward slightly, lacing his fingers. "What made you assume they were a man?"

1125 straightened herself, folding her legs. "Well, most 'antagonists' are usually males, you know? Besides, when we saw this figure on the screen before they looked pretty masculine to me." She said, tapping her finger lightly on her knee. "So just consider it a self-conscious assumption." She said, smiling again. 1125's voice was soothing, filling the room. Like before however, 9637 was unperturbed by such. Magical charms were at play, and he just confirmed it. However, he played along. 9637 smiled in response. "Alright then. Apologies if I seemed suspicious of you. You're one of our loyal scientists." 9637 said. 1125 replied with a grin. "It's fine. Everybody has been on edge lately. This problem is no simple one." 9637 pulled one of the remotes for the drone out his drawer.

"But anyways. Most drones are active through artificial intelligence. However, they can be commandeered by a person. We only will ever do so if we find something our drones cannot fully get to." 1125 laced her fingers, sighing. "So, from what I hear, information is hard to obtain about a group we know not much about. I chose to help the wrong thing." 9637 chuckled. "You aren't the only one my friend. But in my own opinion, I don't think you should trouble yourself with this right now. After all, you only just returned. Take a breather before you try to assist us." 1125 nods in agreement. "If you say so, 9637."

Suddenly, 9637 received a call from the loudspeaker, asking him to report to 5554's office. "That being said, I must go see what 5554 has done. You're welcome to stay in my office, or head to your workspace." 9637 stood from his seat and tipped his fedora to her, before exiting his office. 1125 watched him go, before raising her wrist. A green tint emerged from it, as she spoke into it. "You two may have to stay put a little while longer. I have the perfect idea." She said with a smirk.

Meanwhile, elsewhere.

Within a dimly lit dorm room, a white-haired girl paced back and forth with velocity whilst tapping her finger on her arm. She stopped for a few moments and checked her watch. Where is he? He was never usually this late. Despite the advancements of the school, he always seemed to get past them flawlessly. Was there a chance that he finally got caught? The mere thought of it made her heart drop. She prayed to whatever god that wasn't the case. Finally, a knock was heard on the door. Rushing over, she opened it.Jamari stood in front of her,gazing down at the girl.

"Finally...where have you been?" Jamari entered the girls dorm, and responded with one word. "Out." The girl narrowed her eyes, closing the door shut again.

"I know that, but you're later than usual. Did something unexpected happen?" She asked. "Quite the opposite. Things are going so well, that I decided to stay a little longer. You understand that, Amelia." Amelia sighed, closing her eyes. "I suppose I do. Did you get any of them yet?" Jamari shook his head. "It's still a work in progress, but my adversaries are likely getting closer to the goal as we speak." Amelia went to sit on her bed, lowering her head. "I appreciate you helping me, but are you sure this is the right way to go about it?" Jamari leaned against the wall. "Ami. Do you recall another time my judgment was incorrect?" Amelia shook her head. "I know, but–" Jamari cut the girl off. "Then let me do as I please. Remember, this is for your benefit." Jamari pushed himself off the wall and made his way over to the window.

He pulled back one of the shades, gazing out at the rest of the campus. The lights of the street below buzzed with radiance, illuminating the path just enough to see. All you need to do is listen to what I say and let me take my time. I made a promise to you, and I'm going to fulfill it." Amelia didn't say anything, but she didn't have to. Jamari knew that she would agree with him. Jamari closed the shades back and turned to meet Amelia's gaze. Amelia's eyes were bright red and full of vibrancy, but also uncertainty, uncertain about what the future held, and uncertain about her motives. Putting her trust in another to assist her. Jamari contrasted in every conceivable way. Seemingly vibrant with a pale teal glow, but full of absolutely nothing.

Lifeless. Stoic. Insipid. Yet, so incredibly callous.

"Jamari, I have a question." Amelia inquired. "If I hadn't met you think it would have worked out?" Jamari stared at the girl for a few more moments, before finally giving his answer.

"Not at all." He spoke. "There is a distinct difference between you, these people, and me. Your simplicity makes you mundane, the inability to think richly and complexly holds you back. Constrained by trivial matters such as regret, fear, and even friendship. Not to say we aren't friends, but sometimes you need to let that go." Amelia silently clenched one of her fists. She couldn't believe how inhuman Jamari seemed. In the end, she merely thought of it as him being attuned with his emotions. "Then I'll try to follow that example. But it won't be easy."

Jamari went to the dorm entrance, opening the door. "I know. Especially for you. But don't dwell on it right now, remember the test you have tomorrow." He spoke. Amelia couldn't help but giggle nervously. With all the innately malicious things the two were doing, they were still teenagers. "I'll see you tomorrow." Jamari said, closing the door as she walked out. Amelia was left in silence. She let out an exasperated sigh and laid back on her bed. To lose herself, all for a single incentive. It was selfish. Yet, that single desire burned deep inside of her soul. Amelia turned over on her bed and closed her eyes. She could sleep on it.

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