18. Unbelievable Lies

Start from the beginning

"You don't understand. When I first started to get to know her, she would act so mature. But now she's doing shit like what she did to you, and I can't fucking stand her."

"You mean when she was 16?" I begin to laugh.

He walks to the chair placed in the corner of the room and sits down in a relaxed position. "It's not like how that fucker Theo made it out. Yeah, when she first moved in, she was 16, and I was 20, but I was barely home. I travelled a lot for work and only came home on occasions, and even then, I made no fucking moves towards her. I barely even realised she existed."

"Then how did you become a thing?"

"I only started to speak to her, in a normal way, a few months before her 18th. Now that I think about it, she would try and flirt with me then, but I'd always pass it off. When she turned 18, she switched and fully started trying for me. That's when I started to see her in that way, and even then, I didn't have the same feeling back. But she would beg it a lot, and she seemed mature for her age, and one day I was like fuck it and gave her a chance."

I don't know why this story is annoying me. "Anyways, how many more people have you cheated on her with? Any more hoes in the hotel?"

He begins to laugh slightly. "There was this one other girl a few weeks ago back home, but that was because I was drunk. You're the first sober one. My bitch in Dubai." He says with a smirk as he adjusts himself lower in the chair, appearing more comfortable. Why does he look so attractive like that?

I break eye contact. "What excuse did you give her for seeing me now?"

"Nothing, just said I'm going out. She tried to follow after me, but I told her to fucking stay in the room because I didn't want to see her face."

I face his eyes in surprise. "And she took that?"

He smiles. "Didn't you see her today? She'll always listen to me. She tried so hard to get me she's not going to do anything to risk it. Not even her brother could get in the way."

"Yeah, Theo was shocked when he realised that."

"I wish I had seen his face. He doesn't even know the half of it." He laughs softly, shaking his head in amusement.

I can see this conversation is going to a friendly route, which I'm trying to avoid. "Can I leave now?" I ask.

He sits up a little. "No. Look, the reason I told you to come was because Theo is going to leave you."

I shake my head. "No, he's not."

"He is Sav. He planned it with Emilia."

I scoff as I begin to laugh. "You're such a liar! How am I meant to believe you? You've lied about everything else."

"Listen, I only lied to you at first because, let's say, you saw me with Emilia, and you decided to tell her. You wouldn't even have my name or anything right, so you'd look crazy, and nobody would believe you."

"Ugh, you're disgusting." I mutter as I start to rise from the bed. Listening to this man is useless.

He begins to stand up. "Savannah, wait. I'm not lying about this. Theo is going to leave you."

I ignore Dom as I make my way to the door.

He grabs a hold of my arm, and I immediately pull away. "Don't you dare touch me!"

He raises his hands up. "Here me out, leave Theo, come with me."

I give him a confused look. "What?"

He lowers his hands. "That piece of shit doesn't deserve you. Yeah, I know you cheated on him, but he treats you like shit. I wouldn't."

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