"Whatever your having dear." He said, looking at you. You nodded and hummed in response.

You decide to just have some water as your throat felt dry. You filled two glasses. Once one was filled you turned and placed one on the island by Alastor. He said a small thank you as you turned to full one for yourself.

You both took a seat at the kitchen island and talked. You talked about anything and everything. Even the weather was part of the conversation. It turned in to a 10 questions game. Asking eachother questions and answering them.

"Where are you from Alastor?" You said, resting your elbow on the counter, head in your hand. Actually really curious, his accent was a little unique.

"America, New Orleans my dear." He spoke after taking a sip of the water. You watched his face contort to one of disgust. "You really drink this garbage?" He asked.

You laughed, "Yes its smooth. Nice on the throat before singing." Answering honestly. He just scoffed. "It's horrendous."

"Alright, what do you like to drink casually?" You picked up your glass and took a sip.

"Not water. Coffee or Whiskey." He said, turning to you slightly, resting his arm on the counter top. "Whiskey?" You questioned. He just hummed in response.

"What do you like to do for fun?" He questioned, rasing a brow.

You hummed thinking about it for a second. "Well, I like to sing. Love to read and sometimes write. Not often. Cleaning is a nice hobby actually and probably painting." You counted them on your fingers as you spoke, just too keep track of them.

Alastor watched as your eyes light up as you spoke about these things, nodding along. Agreeing with some of your choices.

"That's all I can think of off the top of my head." You shrugged, taking another sip. The cool liquid soothing your throat.

"Good choices accept the painting, thought I have a few others myself." He said shuffling a little, crossing one leg over the other.

"Oh yeah, what are they?" You asked, a small smirk on your face leaning a little closer.

"Hmm, my radio broadcast and a small bit of dancing." He stated.

"You dance?" You questioned, even more curious now. Also wanting to see him dance. You didn't expect a guy like him to like dancing, it seems out of the character box you put him in.

"Yes, mostly to Jazz or electro swing." He just shrugged looking away from you. You nodded a long as he spoke.
"Thought now'a'day's I only dance when I've had a few drinks. Takes the edge off." He turned to look back at you, something different in his eyes.

"See I expected that type of music, Just not the fact that you dance." You shook your head in disbelief, laughing a little.

"Maybe I could take you dancing one night." He flirted. You quickly turned to look at him, a little shocked he'd be this forward. He just raised a brow at you, a slight smirk with his already smiling face.

You never danced with someone else before. Might have two left feet with it, might be good, you didn't know. As Steve Rogers would say: been waiting for the right partner.

"One day, maybe you can." You said shrugging agreeing with his maybe invitation. You picked up your glass and took another sip, it soothing your throat.

"There is this one Jazz club I go to. I know the owner, introduced Mimzy to them and now she's their top performer." He spoke, you could hear a pride in his voice.

"Maybe we could go there then?" You questioned. "I would like to see Mimzy perform in a proper setting."

He just hummed at you, nodding.

"What else do you like to do for fun here?" You asked. Thought you had completely forgot who's turn it was to ask a question, so you just stepped up.

Alastor hummed again, thinking. He didn't know if he should be honest with what he does or not.

"I mostly like to sit in my library. Reading. Or in my radio tower." He spoke. He wasn't lying. Just didn't want to tell the whole truth.

You nodded along untill it sunk in. "You have your own library?!" You almost shouted. How the fuck does he have a library?! Must have a pretty big house and an income here if he can afford that.

"Yes I do. It's one of the biggest rooms in my home. Almost two floors actually" he stated. This man just radiates pride. So proud and proper.

"Would you want to see it?" He asked, turning to you, eyes half lidded.

"Right now?" You asked a little shocked.

"Only if you want to my dear." He stood up, summoning his microphone.

You turned in your see to look at him.

"Umm sure. Is it far from here?" You asked, easing a brow.

"Who said we are walking there? Can't have you know the exact location of my home, can I?" He chucked, then stared at you with half lidded eyes.

You shook your head then stood up. You had no idea how you were gonna ge there, Teleport maybe? You looked up at Alastor the down, to see him holding a hand out for you to take. You hesitated before placing your hand in his.

"Off we go then, close your eyes my Dear." He spoke, static taking over. You closed your eyes tightly, a little afraid.

A tingly feeling started to cover your body, making some parts of you numb. A sick feeling started in your stomach, making your head spin a little. It was all very overwhelming, so your grip on Alastors hand tightened.

Then it stopped.

"You can open your eyes now." Alastor spoke softly.

You opened one eye then opened the other. Looking around shocked. You both stood in the middle of a beautiful library. All old school looking, all made out of a fairytale. Wood detailing, carving everywhere. It was stunning.

It took your breath away.

"Th-this is beautiful." You said absolutely stunned.

"Thank you. Took me a while to gain such a collection." He said. You heard him let out a breath, one of relief. As to why, you didn't know.

"Can we stay a while?" You asked, turning to him. A wide smile on your face.

"Yes, as long as you want my dear."


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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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