Chapter Thirty | Flinnwick

Start from the beginning

"Is there literally only seafood?" Jake complained. "I don't like seafood."

"Well, tough shit," Elijah muttered. "Seafood looks like the only thing on offer."

"It's a seaside town," Zoe said as she pointed out the window at the beach, which was just visible through the gaps between each old building.

"I hate the beach," the pardus complained. "You get sand in your toes and ears and other places."

Zoe then pointed out the front window. "Oh, there," she said, waving her hand in the direction of a small tech store sitting between a bakery and a fresh fish bar. "We can get a phone there and lunch from the bakery."

"Ugh," Jake complained. "They're probably gonna sell fish cakes and crab rolls."

"Will you quit complaining?" Zoe exclaimed irritably.

Jake scoffed but didn't respond.

Elijah pulled over and parked outside the tech store. He reached into his bag and took out some money, and once Zoe got her dog to stop yapping and made it sit on her seat, the three of them got out of the truck.

When they went into the store, Zoe went over to the phone section, and Elijah dragged Jake with him to the counter.

"Can you tell me how to get to Flinnwick?" the demon asked the server.

"You want a sat nav?" the man asked.

"No, I want to know how to get to Flinnwick."

"A sat nav will get you there," he insisted.

Elijah scowled irritably—

"This one," Zoe said as she placed a pink cell phone on the counter.

"You want a sat nav, too?"

"Just the phone," Elijah snarled.

"Ten coronam," he said.

"Is the SIM card included?" Zoe asked.

The man nodded.

Elijah handed him ten coronam notes, and once Zoe took the phone from the counter, along with a new SIM card, the demon led the way out of the store.

"That dude really wanted you to buy a sat nav," Jake muttered.

Rolling his eyes, Elijah took them into the bakery. "Pick something," he muttered. He wanted to get back on the road and to Flinnwick without any further delays. "Can you tell me how to get to Flinnwick?" he asked the cashier.

"Oh...Flinnwick?" she asked with a frown. "You want to um...leave town through the east gate, and then you follow the highway to Melbourne, then uh...take a left and follow that highway, which'll take you all the way to Flinnwick. It's only two hours away from here."

"Thank you," Elijah muttered. He then watched Zoe and Jake place a bunch of pastries and sandwiches on the counter. Once the woman counted it all up, he paid her and headed back out to the truck. "Let's go," he said as he got in and started the engine. He was just two hours away from the man who could tell him where Haru was, and he wasn't going to waste a second.

"I'm gonna call my dad real fast," Zoe said as she switched on her new phone after putting the SIM card in.

Elijah pulled away from the sidewalk and started driving, searching for the east exit.

Zoe dialled the number, and then she held her phone to her ear.

"Hello?" came a different man's voice.

The girl looked startled and wide-eyed. "Hi...uh...." She abruptly hung up the phone.

Elijah frowned at her.

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