"After six months together in the Academy, you've earned the right to be here. But you'll have to prove yourself to stay. The way we do things matters. Protocol and tradition are the metal from which every cop in this city is forged. Understand?"

"Yes, sir" All four rookies say in unison.

"Sit down. It's time to play the Training Officer match game. Our contestants are: Lucy Chen, a hotshot who made her first arrest before clocking in for work. Legacy Jackson West, who broke all his dad's records at the Academy. Ana Cabrera, the short one from Cuba. and John Nolan, who was born before disco died."

Most of the rooms laughs except for the rookies, Ana mainly because she believes age is just a number and the others because they are friends with Nolan.

"And the winners are: Officer Bradford, you get our hotshot and our short one. Officer Lopez, you get our legacy. Leaving Officer Bishop to ride with the 40-year-old rookie. Now, hear me. Today is your first day. Don't let it be your last. Forget the Academy and listen to your T.O.s. They'll teach you the way it should be done. That's it. All right. Be safe out there. Officer Bishop, I need a word with your rook."

Ana follows after Lucy and Bradford. They go and get the gear, Lucy makes no move to grab the gear and is too busy examining Bradford, so Ana picks it up without instruction. Next stop is the garage and they stop in front of a cruiser.

"This is your shop. Do not call it a car. It is where you work."

Bradford starts, while Ana sets down the gear and pulls out a little notepad that she keeps on her person. Ana learned long ago to keep short concise notes, so she simply writes "cruiser = shop"

"First you check the exterior for damage. Any nicks, scrapes, or dents, log 'em in. Has the suspect left anything? Money? Drugs? A dookie?" Bradford continues with Ana jotting down notes while Lucy stands and listens.

"Why aren't you taking notes, Officer Chen? You think I'm impressed because you picked some low-hanging fruit on your way to work?" Bradford asks and Ana's eyes widen at his harsh tone.

"Onto the shotgun-safety check. Verify it's empty. Clear it. Close the action." Bradford instructs. "We have police tape, road flares, spike strips. Next, body-cam check"

"Officer Ana Cabrera" Ana says, checking the body-cam with Lucy doing it after her.

"Get in" Bradford orders. 

Ana picks up the bags and puts them in the back. Lucy has already gotten into the passenger seat and Ana climbs into the middle row of the car, sitting in the middle so that she can see what Bradford is talking about and take notes.

"Log in to the computer. Put in our serial number." Bradford instructs and Ana watches as Lucy does as he says.

"Test lights and sirens." Bradford says and he puts up a hand to Lucy to stop her and gestures for Ana to do it. 

Ana leans forward and tests the lights and sirens before turning them off and leaning back to sit normally in her seat.

[Time Skip - 9 AM - Monday | Patrol]

"So, why do you want to be a cop?" Bradford asks and Ana realizes that he's talking to Lucy.

"Is this a trick question?" Lucy asks, hesitantly.

Ana, meanwhile, is watching the scenery pass, her eyes taking a second to examine every person on the sidewalk, smiling when she sees someone she knows.

"You want me to train you, I need to know why you're in this car." Bradford responds, not amused.

"Okay. Um, my parents are both therapists, so I spent my childhood talking about my feelings -" Lucy explains but is quickly interrupted when Bradford slams on the breaks.

Altruism | Part One : TrustWhere stories live. Discover now