Our Happily Ever After - final part

Start from the beginning

Francesca was sitting at a table with Daphne when Penelope walked over to sit with Tommy in her arms. "Auntie Daphne needs snuggles!" Daphne said as she motioned for the new mother to hand her her baby nephew.

"Where's Kate and baby Edmund?" Penelope inquired. Edmund James Bridgerton was born two weeks after his cousins. Anthony was a melting pile of goo whenever in the presence of his son and even worse when watching Kate being a mother to their child.

"He was getting fussy so she took him inside out of the sun. Probably changing his nappy." Francesca shrugged. "Oh! So I received a letter from Michael. He is in Greece, a small island off the coast. He's sent his congratulations to you and, begrudgingly, my brother as well."

Penelope blushed a bit, "That's kind of him. Tell him we wish him a safe journey." Michael Sterling had attempted to strike up a correspondence between him and Penelope. She answered one letter but the next one she received, he spoke of "What if's" and "Could have been's" so she had decided to stop writing to him. The poor man would never move on from his fascination with Penelope if she didn't stop.

"He said he misses your letters. Is there anything you would like to tell us?" Penelope explained and, although Francesca looked affronted, she only nodded in agreement that the letters should stop.

"Colin has read them and other than a few choice words about Michael, he's said nothing since I broke off correspondence with him." John walked over then announcing that the carriages had arrived to take everyone back to Number 5.

"Lovely day, Pen. The children are truly beautiful and remarkable. I for one cannot wait for our own children." Francesca smiled sadly. They'd had a miscarriage shortly after their wedding. They were still getting over the shock of it. Penelope went to stand and he waved her off. "No need to get up. You take care of those angels. We shall see you at Yule, yes?" Penelope smiled at the kind Earl and nodded. Francesca bent to kiss her cheek then caressed a sleeping Tommy's head before taking John's arm and leaving.

"Well," Eloise plopped down in the seat Francesca had just vacated, "I'm only ten weeks along and I'm already tired out. You carried two of these?" She smiled cheekily and nudged Penelope's foot with her own. "Look! Look at that besotted fool!"

Penelope laughed, "Hey! That's my besotted fool!" She locked eyes with her husband. He was walking across the lawn where he had been talking to Ben, Sophie and Christopher, their daughter in his arms. She truly felt like the luckiest person in the world.

"Eww, you're just as bad. Our last night here before we head back to Brighton in the morning. Promise you'll visit soon?"

"Promise. The children should be six months at least before traveling that distance in a carriage, El." Tommy whimpered so Penelope patted his butt lightly to get him settled. "By the time they're ready to travel, you will be almost due with your little one. We shall arrive within two weeks of your due date so I am with you, okay?"

"You are truly the best person I know, Pen. I am blessed to have you as my sister and best friend." Eloise took her friends free hand and squeezed it gently, their wet eyes meeting.

"I love you, El." Colin made his way over.

"Ben and Sophie are leaving. Kate, Anthony, Edmund and mum are getting ready to head back to Number 5. Poor Frannie. She is just not herself lately. I think being around the children today brought back everything." Colin worried his lip. Eloise stood up and patted his arm.

"She stronger than we give her credit for." They all nodded, each giving a silent prayer for the Earl and Lady of Kilmartin.

Several months later...

The timing could not have been more perfect, not just two days after arriving at Lord and Lady Debling's estate, Eloise went into labour with her husband on one side and her best friend on the other. Lady Fiona and Colin waited in the drawing room for the announcement of the baby's arrival. The faint sound of a lady screaming setting Colin on edge. He had never heard his sister in pain other than the emotional distress of losing their beloved father so many years ago.

Luckily their children were asleep in the guest wing with Penelope's lady's maid. He looked at the clock on the mantle and it read 11:23pm. Just about two hours had gone by since they were awakened by Mrs. Gibbons. She had shown Colin to the drawing room where his sister's mother-in-law was pacing then disappeared with Penelope.

The door opened and Penelope rushed in. "It's a boy! It's a boy!" Colin stood up and hugged his wife before Lady Fiona hugged them both, her eyes wet with tears of happiness. They had Lady Fiona go in first to meet her first grandchild. "He looks like a Bridgerton." Penelope said as she snuggled into her husband.

"Shall we try for another?" Colin asked as he watched his sister and her husband through the cracked door.

"Give me a year?" Pen asked. He smiled.

"Of course. So six more months?" He felt her shaking with silent laughter.

It is the honour of this esteemed paper to announce the arrival of Lord and Lady Debling's heir. Christopher Robert Debling was born at 11:23 in the evening on August 12th. Mother and child are doing fine and the father is a happy and proud one. Congratulations from us all at The Brighton Gazzette!

(Announcement in the local paper near Eloise and Christopher's estate)

Six months later, Penelope and Colin announced they were expecting once again. Sophie and Benedict were going to be parents soon and Kate and Anthony had announced they would be trying for their second child as well. Daphne had two children now and hoped to add to her brood soon as well. Hyacinth began going to Lady Danbury's twice a week to read with her and become her companion. Francesca and John had yet another miscarriage sadly. The family prayed for them daily.

By Christmas of 1816, the Bridgerton Family had grown exponentially. In 1817, just two years after her wedding, tragedy strikes Francesca once again when her husband, John, dies in his sleep. The baby she did not know she was carrying is lost just a few short weeks later.

She mourns for several years before becoming reacquainted with his cousin, Michael Stirling, as he returns home from abroad to finally take his beloved cousin's place as the Earl of Kilmartin. They fall in love as she helps him in his new role which she has handled alongside her mother-in-law. They marry and live happily together, having two children, John the second and Janet. The first holiday with the entire Bridgerton Family is quite awkward at first due to the new Earl's short infatuation with the third Bridgerton's wife, but it is quickly swept away.

Colin is still a besotted fool, a decade later. He's become a celebrated author due to publishing his travel journals with his wife as editor. Penelope has made her own niche. One romance novel based on her time as a wallflower and six children's books so far. They live comfortably in their cottage with their four children near his brother Benedict and his wife Sophie and their four children. They visit Eloise and Christopher every few months to spend time with their three children.

And to think, he could have never found this happiness if he had not unlocked his desires for his best friend, his purpose, his love...his Pen.

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