Trouble Comes To Ton

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Today is the day. The wedding that Violet had never thought she would live to see. Her bullheaded, headstrong daughter Eloise was getting married AND it was a love match! Violet sat as her maid, Mary, did up her hair and makeup. She had promised to stay out of Eloise's hair until the hour before they had to leave for the church, so Violet had done something she hadn't done in years.

She had a lie in.

Frannie was to be married to John, the Earl of Kilmartin, in another month and another two months until Benedict and Sophie wed. Her children were all in love and finding their own happiness in the world. Gregory was just in his first year at Eton and Hyacinth was going to start helping Lady Danbury a few days a week to break up the monotony and loneliness of her days. And Violet? Violet was having...urges.

She had been in a state of dormancy for several years. Edmund, her sweet, doting husband had been gone for twelve years now. Her children were leaving home to start their own families. Violet felt lonely and wanted a companion. Someone to share her thoughts...her fears...her desires.

"All set Lady Violet. Would you like to break your fast in your room or the drawing room?" Mary asked and Violet had responded the last. As she made her way to the drawing room, her eyes caught on the newest footman. He was bending over to wipe some dirt from the top of his shoe and Violet took a moment to appreciate the view. She felt her chest blush and that damn throbbing between her legs. Goodness, Violet Bridgerton! Pull yourself together!' She chastised herself.

Perhaps she would discuss this feeling of longing with Agatha again.

John waited with Aunt Winnie and Francesca for his cousin Michael's carriage to arrive at the church. Michael was going to attend the wedding and luncheon afterwards. It would be his first introduction to Francesca's family. He had met Fran and Aunt Winnie at the Kilmartin Winter Ball this past summer. They had become fast friends and John knew Michael had a small crush on his cousin's future wife.

It was at that ball that Francesca described their family friend, Penelope Featherington. Michael had begged for an introduction when he was next in London town. Too bad he had been in India the last few months or he could have had his chance. Now, as it sat, Penelope Featherington was now Penelope Bridgerton expecting her first child with his soon-to-be brother-in-law, Colin.

"Ah, here he is!" John exclaimed as the carriage came to a stop.

"Cousins!" Michael exclaimed as he disembarked from his carriage. "And Aunt Winnie, looking as beautiful as ever. Beautiful day for a wedding. Has Miss Penelope arrived? I am most eager to make her acquaintance." He wriggled his eyebrows and winked, a small smile playing upon his lips.

"Um, about that Michael." Francesca began to explain before she watched his mouth drop open. Perfect timing. Penelope and Colin had arrived, walking from their townhome just three blocks from the church.

"She's a goddess. You said she was beautiful but by God. She glows. Oh yes. I think I am half in love with her already." Blinded by her glowing vermilion hair and porcelain skin, Michael had yet to noticed there was a man attached to the angel before him.

"Michael!" His cousin got his attention at last. "You are too late. She has wed. Penelope is newly wed to Colin Bridgerton, Francesca's brother.

Michael looked then and saw the blinding smile of the reincarnation of Venus was directed at the tall, broad-shouldered man beside her. His heart felt as if it had dropped into his stomach. Another lost opportunity. But, he could still have some fun. He smiled mischievously and John knew it was on. Michael had turned on the charm and his Merry Rake persona.

He walked up and extended his hand out to Colin. "Mister Bridgerton, Michael Sterling. John's cousin." Colin looked over the man. He was as tall as him, with jet black hair and piercing gray eyes. "And who is this enrapturing beauty?" He held his hand out toward Penelope and she blushed. 'Oh yes,' Michael thought to himself, 'such a pretty blush.'

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