Taste of Your Lips

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Eloise sat across from Lord Debling at dinner and couldn't help but smile at him and his mother's banter. He'd told her that his mother was his best friend, and she couldn't help but feel endeared to him even further. She had never felt like this before; not even with Theo. Was this love? Eloise could help but think so, but hadn't he just claimed to be in love with Penelope just a few short weeks ago? Could she trust that Christopher felt the same way?

As she stared at him pondering over his affections, he caught her eye. His brows furrowed with confusion over her own look of worry and he felt the need to be alone with her to ask what was the matter. Knowing he could not, he instead caught her older brother's attention and asked about his thoughts on the gallery.

"Mr. Bridgerton? How did you find the family gallery? I hope Sophie was able to assist you with any questions. She is extremely intelligent as I am sure you noticed. She is a fine companion to my mother while I am away from the manor." Benedict wiped his mouth before answering the gentleman's inquiry.

"Yes, she was splendid company. I was rather impressed with the gallery; especially that Fuseli! I'd love to discuss more over a brandy or four." The men chuckled and Debling promised to have a brandy after dinner. He looked over and still felt some worry over Eloise's demeanour as the finished with dinner. Lord Debling excused himself and Benedict to his study and the ladies retired for tea and a game of cards in Lady Fiona's parlour.

"Lord Debling," Benedict began as he took his brandy from the young lord's hand. Lord Debling cut him off.

"Please call me Christopher as I am sure you'd rather me call you Benedict." He said with a smile.

"Ben, actually." He took a sip of the drink and relished in the smoothness of the liquor. "Damn good, Christopher." He raised his glass to the man. "So, if you don't mind me asking. Sophie? She seems like there is more to her than just being a lady's maid."

Christopher smirked, "Caught on to that have you? Yes. She is the bastard daughter of the long dead Earl of Penwood. She started working here when we hired our new housekeeper Mrs. Gibbons about a year ago. She had a horrible life the past seven or eight years. Her stepmother is a real piece of work. Treated her like trash. Mrs. Gibbons looks at her as if her own daughter; sweet older lady." He took a swig of his glass and set it down.

"Ben? Could I ask you something?" Benedict nodded for him to continue. "Eloise? Do you think I have any chance of winning her hand? She seemed to be very interested in me this afternoon but I caught her looking at me at dinner. She seemed to be upset with me. I'm not sure what happened."

Benedict knew his sister better than anyone. He knew that she was into the young lord. He'd never seen her so taken. "Believe me, she is very taken with you. She gets giddy when your letters arrive. She cherishes them above anything else lately; even her books, so you know it's serious." They chuckled together and Lord Debling felt himself at ease.

"Christopher, I find myself in a dilemma of my own." He sat down and crossed his leg, still holding into his empty glass of brandy "I seem to find myself infatuated with Miss Sophie. The moment I heard her voice, I felt drawn to her. Just spending those few moments with her in your father's gallery I knew. I knew that she is meant to be mine. My muse. I have never, never felt like this. I never knew I could have this emotion." He carded his hand through his hair and sighed. "Is this how you feel about my sister?"

Lord Debling sat back in his chair and let his head fall back against the headrest. "Yes. Yes, that's it exactly, Ben. That's what being head over heels in love feels like. I never felt this way toward Miss Penelope. I thought that I was in love with her, you know? But I think I was just feeling a kinship towards her because her rejection never stung, but just the thought of Miss Eloise not returning my affection? Oh God, just the thought of that alone makes me feel like my heart is being ripped from my chest."

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