Snake in the Grass

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Sexual assault warning

No, I didn't. Oh, El! He'll not understand. What if he hates me, like you did." Penelope whispered as she looked over to where Colin's mother and younger siblings were talking to him excitedly.

"I didn't hate you, Pen. I was only a bit distraught." Penelope eyed her friend with a look of derision. "Oh, alright! I did say I overreacted, did I not?" Eloise smirked at her dearest friend as she still paled over knowing she had to tell Colin of her secret identity. "Would it help if I were there with you?" Penelope nodded. "Okay, go out to the garden. I will ask him to accompany me."

Penelope excused herself before leaving through the French doors leading to the back garden. Colin looked and caught Eloise's stare. "Colin, let us have a turn about the gardens. Shall we?" He eyes her suspiciously but went anyway. When they got out the doors, Colin saw Penelope wringing her hands and looking nervous and upset.

He rushed over, "Pen? What's happened?" He turned to his sister looking livid, "What did you say to her, Eloise?"

"Nothing, she, oh, Colin!" Penelope bit her fist to stifle the sob that left her. He instantly wrapped her in his arms as she shook. "I haven't been completely honest with you and I fear you'll hate me." His mind instantly went to the worst case scenario. She must have had carnal relations with one of her suitors.

"Are you saying that you've been with another?" It's not the best situation, but..

"No! Oh god, no! Nothing like that!" She looked shocked that he'd think that of her.

"I'm sorry but that's the worst thing I could think of, my sweet. Don't be sore at me." Colin smirked at her. Eloise cleared her throat.

"Go on, Pen. Just tell him." She urged her friend.

It's now or never, Penelope thought to herself before finally just sighing and saying it. "I am Lady Whistledown." He let go of her and backed away from her.

"No. You couldn't be. You're not a gossip. You're good and sweet and everything right in the world." Penelope began to cry and Eloise held her as she shook her head at her brother. "It's true?" Eloise nodded her head. Colin scoffed. Then looked back at his crying fiancé before stalking off.

"Colin!" Shouted Eloise.

"I need time!" He shouted back before disappearing around the corner. Moments later, they heard him galloping away on his horse. Leaving.

Penelope cried herself to sleep as Eloise comforted her throughout the night. Colin hadn't come back and she didn't even know if he would. Eloise watched her best friend sleep with a furrowed brow. She hoped Colin would come back and didn't just disappear. She left to go to her room and change into her nightdress.

The door closed and Penelope sat up looking around the empty room. She sighed and got up to look out the window. That's when she saw him. Colin. He was standing in the garden. Pacing. She resigned herself to go down and confront him.

Putting on a cloak, she made her way down the stairs and out of the door. He was still pacing when he heard her approach. "Colin?" She spoke tentatively, approaching him with caution.

"Tell me. Why did you out Marina, Penelope?" He looked down at her as she hung her head. "Was it because you were being cruel?" She stiffened, "or did you do to protect me? To protect my heart?" Penelope looked up at him and nodded.

"I asked her to leave you be, you're too good. I loved you and could not live with myself if I stood by and did nothing." Colin walked closer.

"Loved?" He wore a playful smirk upon his lips.

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