Chapter 14: White Glove Mistakes

Start from the beginning

I knew my face reflected the shock I felt as my eyes flicked around the party. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but this definitely was not it. My drunken nights in a frat's basement with Ally felt embarrassing looking at the luxuries Karl was used to.

I heard Karl giggle as I whipped my head over to face him, "What?" I asked, still fighting the look of bewilderment seeping through my expression.

Karl shrugged, a shit-eating grin on his face, "Just remembering how you thought I was a loser a few months ago"

I rolled my eyes at him, "I still think you're a loser"

His smile only seemed to grow as he took a step into the heap of bodies, holding a hand out for me, "Well for tonight, I'm your loser. Now come on, let's get you a drink."

I bit my tongue, fighting to keep the smile off my face as I accepted his hand. Karl confidently strode through the party, leading me towards the first visible bar. As we weaved through the crowds I couldn't help but notice all the gorgeous people, both women and men, all with predatory eyes scanning the room.

My attention was pulled, as I felt Karl's hot breath against my ear, "What do you want to drink?" I turned my head into the crook of Karl's neck, attempting to conceal the blush creeping onto my face from his warm words. I kept my eyes trained on his shoulder, not daring to think about the tingles taking over my body as his soft hands made their way to hold my waist.

I finally turned my head slightly to face him, our intimacy beginning to blur the loosely drawn lines between us. I fought the silken lust from my words as I whispered, "That depends on if you feel like carrying me to the car or not"

I couldn't fight the slight chuckle that sounded through my words, as I shook my head dismissively at the thought. I raised my eyes to meet Karl's once again and noticed his stare already fixated on me. His grip adjusted on my waist, squeezing me slightly as he pulled me closer to his chest.

"In those shoes?" We both glanced down at the iridescent platform pumps wrapped around my ankles, "I figured I'd be anyways" A small chuckle sounded from the back of his throat, as he bit the side of his cheek with a teasing grin.

I rolled my eyes but couldn't keep the smile off my lips, "Funny." Sarcasm laced my tone, "I don't think you can ever go wrong with tequila..."

"Noted," He said, his smile glowing across his features as he nodded his head curtly. Yet, Karl did not attempt to move from our position. He just stood staring at me with a stupid grin plastered across his face.

My eyes roamed across his features, sweeping from his stubble to the dimples tucked into the corners of his mouth, and finally up to the hair that framed his face messily.

Mindlessly, I reached a hand up and brushed a loose curl from his face. His hair was soft and it smelt like his cologne. I slowly began to lower my arm from where it had gently repositioned Karl's hair.

As my hand dropped from his face, it found its way to the collar of his shirt. The neatly pressed black silk was soft against my fingertips as my mind became obsessed with memorizing the interactive pattern weaved into the fabric.

His voice was low as he whispered thickly, "Are you trying to distract me?"

I blinked, "W-what?"

Karl's voice trailed off as he leaned in closer, his lips grazing my ear ever so slightly, "Because it's working..."

Karl's jaw was set in a tight line as he stared intently at me, his eyes refusing to leave mine. My fingers stopped moving, sitting frozen against his shirt.

The Faces Of Karl JacobsWhere stories live. Discover now