You Never See It (Dan's poem)

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We're just best friends who tend to be silly 

Sometimes, we cuddle when it happens to be chilly 

The shared kisses between us are clearly platonic 

But your intoxicating love makes me an alcoholic

Although there are times I wander into your eyes 

Can you really blame me when they hypnotize 

The smirk plastered onto your face is all I can see 

I hope it's because you've been thinking of me

I accept I often tease you and drop a couple hints 

And say flirty comments when I've had a few pints 

In those situations, you simply giggle and blush 

Damn...I really want to get rid of this crush

There is just something about you that drive me insane 

But if you are away for too long, it brings me much pain 

You make me so nervous and flustered, AmazingPhil 

And from all the excitement, I just need to take a pill

The way your tongue pokes out when something's amusing 

Is such a precious moment that's too mesmerizing 

I know I constantly complain and shoo shippers away 

It's because it bothers you, but I wish it wasn't that way

Unfortunately, I can't do this charade with you anymore 

Our acts of friendly affection just hurts me to the core 

Your reaction to this poem may be happiness or fear 

But I want to remind you that I will always be here

When you scream in your sleep in the middle of the night 

From a terrible nightmare that gave you a horrible fright 

I would usually run to your room and escort you out 

And hold you really tight then kiss that adorable pout

Or when you're irritated and depressed from all the fan hate 

I would attempt on making you laugh without a second too late 

Or in scenarios when you need help in the most childish things 

I would dash right beside you, opening up my theoretical wings

I'm in love with you and there is nothing else I can do 

I couldn't be more honest, these things I'm saying are true 

There wasn't a time when I regret meeting you that day 

Even if it meant me hurting, I would never leave but stay

You never understood why I did all these things for you 

For someone as perfect, my little Phil has no clue 

I try to please you in every single way 

But all I can get is one simple "okay"


Lmao I just wanted to have fun with this. I'm sorry for the mistakes! (Please point them out) 

The Phandom has ruined me, and I sort of like it @_@ What is my life?

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