7 | Stupid Law

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Liverra's POV

"Just write any idea you have."

That was the last words he said before we were silent for around 15 minutes. And I thought he was getting impatient while constantly looking at his watch.

Okay, I understood and of course knew I had to make a deal like this, but stupid me didn't have anything prepared to say, especially after he insulted my idea on the meeting. And also with the trauma that suddenly approached made me couldn't think properly. "Y-you can write something first, Chan."

"Is this all you wanted to say after wasting my time?" He snorted. "And no, or you'd know my plan."

I sighed, he completely remembered how manipulative I was back then so he decided to be one. Not his faults though. Someone said if we want to trick others, we have to be smarter. And with his good experience I was sure he'd be the one to arrange how things should turn out.

"No, I'll follow your rules. I promise."

"What do you mean ?"

"You know I'm not smart enough to make something like this. I won't waste your time anymore."

He was silent. I could tell he looked a little stunned by what I just said. I didn't know what he expected from this conversation. Maybe he thought I would add stupid things that benefit me such as: celebrating anniversaries and posting them on Instagram, sleeping in the same bed, eating together, skinship, and many more. Then after that we'd argue over a deal that wasn't fair to him and end with me whining like a baby. That was disgusting. And after all, I just want this deal to be fair and good for both of us. This was all just a business marriage after all.

"Okay." He finally took out a piece of paper with paragraphs and stamps on it. He was very well-prepared. "This is what I will propose for our deal. You can read it."


This agreement is between :

Christopher Bang Chan and Liverra Alessandra Lee.

Through this agreement, both parties have agreed to temporarily marry as a form of business continuance. The following points must be obeyed by both parties during the time:

Both parties must cooperate to realize the vision and mission in the business.

Both parties live in the same house for direct and effective communication for the business, but will have separate rooms and areas.

Both parties don't need to play the role of real husband and wife and don't need to do an act to show marital harmony.

Both parties do not involve feelings in this marriage.

Both parties may continue their activities and have relationships with real friends and partners without having to report to each other.

Both parties can end the marriage if the business is stable, has a definite cash flow, and a well-known brand.

If there is a violation committed either by one or both parties, then the penalty will be imposed according to the mutual agreement:

If the violation is committed once or on a small scale, then the party may not carry out his obligations as part of the Woodstones Global University Student Association for some time without informing the members. The party must accept the consequences of his/her 'irresponsible act.'

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